A New Face

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/Your Pov/

My body slowly awakes, I stretched and gave out a big yawn. Looking over to my side to see a note.

I apologize my dear for not staying by your side when you awoke. Duty calls.

-Black Hat

Well he apologized, which is nice. Plus he does run a big business, was I too harsh on him?  Maybe, maybe not.

I got up from my bed, not touching my phone, and got up to do my normal routine. Taking a shower, doing my hair, getting dressed, a splash of makeup, and brushing my teeth. (If you don't put on makeup or take morning showers just ignore them I guess.)

I look at the clock, 7:50 am, ten minutes til' breakfast. I head out of my room and into the dinning room waiting for everyone else to show up.

Everyone showed up, except for Black Hat. Everyone but me didn't notice he was gone. After breakfast everyone went to their normal places, Demencia giving me her normal death stare to me. I helped 5.0.5 clean up the kitchen, after we were done with that, we went our separate ways. I wanted to see what Black Hat was doing.

I just hope things between us are not weird, I mean he accepted my feeling and told me he likes me too. Just thinking about him makes my cheeks slightly blush.

As I made my way to his office I could hear noise, more than one person talking, I could hear Black Hats voice and...another voice, it sounded like a female. What was a girl doing talking to my Black Hat?

I opened the doors letting myself in. It got quiet, they were both staring at me. It was a female, she was white and had this shadow like hair, she looked like she had a lab coat as a dress, with plum gloves, she had nice hips, I'll give her that.

 It was a female, she was white and had this shadow like hair, she looked like she had a lab coat as a dress, with plum gloves, she had nice hips, I'll give her that

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I walked up to Black Hat, "Good morning sir." I say, bowing, to look 'Professional' Then walking back over to the couch waiting for my orders. The two went back to talking, I took notice that this lady was always in the shadow.

I looked over to the people talking to see that Black Hat was facing the window, arms behind his back, while Flug was there, did that lady leave and how did Flug get in here without me noticing?

"M-morning s-s-ir, how m-may I b-be a s-service...?" He asks bowing and shaking, quite badly, I don't think I've ever seen Flug this scared before.

"Our client, Miss Penumbra, reached out to the organization for assistance to destroy a hero problem." He says as he molds his body around, it as like seeing two Black Hats, one in real life and one on the window reflection, looking more scary...Also her name is Penumbra, interesting...

"What. The p-poor thing can't do it herself" Flug replies getting up and popping his back, it sounded like it hurt a lot...

"*Ahem*-" "HOLY SCIENCE!!" Yells Flug out of fear, Penumbra was right behind him and she did not look impressed. 

"I an NOT a 'poor thing'. He just can't be reasoned with. He's always bothering me when I'm trying to cover the sun, SO IT DOESN'T BURN ME ALIVE!" She says getting more angry and flailing her hands out of the shadows, burning her hand, she yelped and leaped back into the shadow more.

"Don't worry ma'am, I always have a plan for heroes like that." He turns to Black Hat, "I won't f-fail you my lord Black Hat Sir!" He yells, saluting him.

Black Hat smirked, "I hope so doctor, for your own...SANE" Then all of a sudden, Black Hat was right behind Flug making him scream like a little girl. It was quiet funny to be frank. 

Flug took a big gulp and left the room. Leaving us three alone, we were all just quiet, Black Hat had his normal pissed of look, Penumbra looked nervous, just awkwardly standing there in the shadows.

I stood up from the couch, walking to Penumbra, I figured I can give her a chance. I coughed, both of them snapped their head to me, it was creepy...They both had a same reaction, both of then raised an eyebrow at me.

I walked over to the shadows, pulling my hand out. "M-my names, (y/n)." I said, I don't know if she has powers or not, so I was in a defense mode, ready for an attack.

She gave me a calming smile, shaking my hand back, "Penumbra." she replied.

I stayed in the shadows with her, I wanted to offer her to the couch but that would mean she would have too go out of the shadows. I wanted to play it safe today. 

I decided to ask her more questions and just to get to know her more. "So are more of you guys?"

"Yes, sadly. But I call them my family. They always go out on strike to get Sunblast out, but they're always more people who love Sunblast and will do anything to defend him. So we are always in the shadows, whether we like it or not" She explains.

"Oh..I'm very sorry for your kind, I do hope Flug can take care of this Sunblast, do you mind telling me more about this Sunblast?" I asked.

"Sunblast is this selfish hero who takes care of any villain in his city, he gets his powers from the sun, obviously..." she says, getting more mad, making hand gestures again. 

"...Hey...You might be here for a while if he's that strong. Would you like something to drink?" I offered.

"cold, black tea please." she says.

I stood up and made two cups of green tea and one cold cup of black tea. I didn't know how to make cold tea besides shoving a block of ice in there, which is what I did. I hope she likes it...

I made my way to the office, with three cups of tea on a metal tray, I balanced the tea the best I could on my one hand while opening the door. 

I looked inside to see Penumbra taking a 'selfie' with Black Hat in the background, Black Hat was holding a skull and still had his usual pissed off look sitting at his desk, while just staring at me, I chuckled.

Going up to his desk, I set the tray down handing Black Hat his cup "Here you go Sir" he didn't say anything, I then handed Penumbra's cup, "Here you go, I hope it's okay..." I said.

She took a sip of hers first breathing in and sighing out, she smiled at me nodding. Thank god it's okay.

We both snapped our head to Black Hats desk, where we heard a ringing noise....

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