A Very Revelation Welcome

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/Your Pov/

My hands were in my lap, fingers tapping as I was staring out the window. The ride was so far quiet and very awkward.

Black Hat was focused on driving, looking in his rear-view window I can see he's slightly smiling. Is he happy I'm going to be living with him?

I wanted to break this silent. It was just getting too uncomfortable.

"*cough* sooooo... What will I be doing for work when we get to the house?" I asked.

He looked at me through the mirror, "You'll be cleaning the house." He said. That's it? Doesn't sound too bad. He looked at me through the mirror slowly showing his evil grin. "And you'll be serving me~" He stipulated. 

My eyes widened at what I heard, he said it with such...lust as well. He could make me do whatever he wanted, he could hurt me, abuse me, rape me. Whatever he pleases... Thinking about this made me feel apprehensive...

"Oh don't be frighted dear, you'll love it here." He claimed. I snap back into reality looking at him, but not saying a word back. I looked through the window for the remainder of the ride.

We passed through the park were I first met the mysterious man.

Not long after after we past the park, my eyes were met with a HUGE house which looked like a Hat, similar to Black Hats. I looked higher to see that there's a plane crashed into the house. Was that recent?

He stops the car. He gets out and goes over to my side, opening the door, he offered his hand to me which I cautiously took, not fully trusting this man, yet. I grabbed my bag and followed the demon.

As Black Hat opened the gate, the door to his house opened and a long red carpet came out, 'fancy' I thought.

Black Hat didn't even bat an eye at me he just kept on walking. 

We reached the door and this girl came onto Black Hat quickly, making goo goo eyes at him trying to hold him, Black Hat pushed her off but she just kept trying.

 As I watched the girl she had this red, pinkish bangs while the rest of her hair was a lime green. She had a monster hoodie and a sleeveless dark blue grey jacket. She also had a short skirt but with stripped leggings on her right side and on her left leg, except it was torn off. Her shoes were mix matched, one red, and one blue. 

As she kept this going, Black Hat got more and more aggravated the more she did this. He soon turned into the same demon I saw before, a very pissed off one, he bellowed at the girl. 

"DEMENCIA GO!" He demanded, she finally shoos away, giggling. She gives me weird vibes, indeed.

Black Hat and I were wondering the halls. Where is he taking me? Why hasn't he said a word? 

The inside of the house seems much bigger than the outside. It was like a maze in here! I'm bound to get lost easily in an hour or so.

He turns to a hall were they're a bunch of doors, each door had a plated name on them, one of the doors was an airplane door saying, 'Flug & 5.0.5'. Every door had a label on it except for one. He walks to the one without a name and stops.

"This is your room. After you get settled meet me in my office." He ordered and left.

I walked into my room, the walls were a plum color with a design pattern all throughout the room. There was a full sized bed in the far left side with deep red covers. Along with a night stand in a deep oak color. There was a closet in the far right side full with empty hangers. As I look around I noticed a lot of shelves and cubbyholes to hide some treasures. Looking up there was a fancy looking light, had crystals all over it, it was pretty rad indeed. ( there's also a bathroom in your room, I just didn't say.)

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