Slip Of The Tongue

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/Your Pov/

My eyes slowly opened with a side of a pounding headache. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and held my head.

Realizing what happened last night. I basically face-palmed myself, I knew this was a bad idea, I most likely said something that wasn't suppose to come out. 

Looking around my room I noticed, I wasn't in my room...

I was in Black Hats office, but he wasn't in here, luckily...

But how did I end up here...? Or why did he let me sleep here...?

I wanted to think about this more but my thoughts were interrupted by the office doors opening. Black Hat slowly walking in...

He turns and looks at me as I was looking back. He then just walked back to his desk, sitting right back to paper work and filing peoples orders and what not.

I tried to get up but Black Hat made a noise and pointed his finger down. Making me sit down, I did what he wanted me to do but I was confused. I figured he would want me to get up and back to work.

I looked down, I was in some other clothes other than my work clothes, I don't know if these are even my clothes...? But eh, they were very comfy.

Looking back up to Black Hat, he was focused on working, didn't even look at me.

I had no idea what time it even was either.

I tried to speak up, I'm tired of this silence and wanted some answers.

"Sir I-" trying to say what I wanted but I was rudely interrupted by him.

"You're staying in here, doing as I say, no buts." He explained. Plain and simple. But wouldn't the others wonder where I am? 5.0.5 would've loved my help... 

Wait, if I'm staying here the entire day, does that mean no going to the bathroom, or eating? Most likely not. What am I thinking, it's not like he would keep me in a cage...Wait no, never mind, he would. (these are thoughts I think about all the time lmao)

Even though the couch is comfortable, I can't stand being in just one spot for a long period of time. (anyone else?)

There's no clock in his office either, time feels like it is going by so slowwwww

God, not only does my head ache, but my stomach hurts as well...

"B-Black Hat..." I whispered. He didn't shush me this time.

He looks over, a hand resting on his chin, "What." He says in annoyance.

"I don't wanna sound like a wimp buuut my head really hurts..." I say holding my head.

He groans, rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. I wanted to follow him so badly but I would most likely get in trouble. I just sat there, it was awkwardly quiet too.

A couple mins went by or at least what felt like half an hour to me, the doors slammed open. Black Hat was there and so was Flug. Flug had a tray in his hands, a tall glass of water and some pills. I was unsure of what these pills were but I'll take them, anything to get rid of this headache.

My eyes watched Flug as he places the tray on the coffee-table and leaves. Black Hat walks over to me and swipes the pills from the tray.

"I'm never letting you drink that much again." He says dropping the pills in my hand, turned around and started to walk to his chair.

"D-did I say anything bad...s-sir..?" I asked nervously, I guessed I drank a lot last night, maybe the most...? But I didn't throw up? That's the first.

He stopped, and was silent. He just continued, walking to his desk.

Fuck, I did say something! I need to know what I had said!

I just wanna go up to him and order him to tell me what I said last night! But...that'll never happen I would just probably get a bone snapped.

So here I was sitting in Black Hats couch, swinging my feet, humming a tune, basically my favorite song.

(I'm gonna use cut my hair since I loaf that song ((Not my #1 tho)), and its short lolololol also cutting lyrics cause bleh screw following the rules!)

"Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love

But I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it

Are you tired of me yet?

I'm a little sick right now, but I swear

When I'm ready, I'll fly us out of here

Cut my hair


Yes, but strangely he feels at home in this

Strangely he feels at home in this..."

I take a deep breath in and opened my eyes, Black Hat was looking at me. Shit, did I sing that out loud!?

I looked away embarrassed, I crawled into a ball and covered myself in my big fluffy blanket.

Silent. That was all I could hear.

I felt a hand on my hip, I jumped. The hand rubbed in circles,slowly, it felt nice...

I opened the blanket to were it uncovered my head only. I look to see Black Hat sitting on the edge of the couch, smiling, not his creepy smile, but a nice, comforting smile...

I face was still hot and pink, but I smiled back at him...

He must've been spaced out because as soon as he realized I was smiling at him, his eyes went wide and he got up quickly. 

He walked over to a Victrola, It was all black and the speaker has very pointy edges. He grabs the arm and puts it on the record, music starts to play.

(This is what a Victrola looks like for people who didn't know, and yes it's in the Villainous trailer

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(This is what a Victrola looks like for people who didn't know, and yes it's in the Villainous trailer. Song playing is Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli and The 4 Seasons)

He walks over to me, showing and evil smirk, he takes off his coat and tosses it onto the desk.

Oh no...

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