Not What It Seems

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/Your Pov/ 

It was bright and early this morning in Black Hats manor.

I was awaken by loud thumping, not wanting to think about it, I heard a loud shriek. It sounded like Flug? I chuckled at hearing him scream like that. Looking to my other side, I saw Black Hat was gone, I had a disappointing look, but he's a busy man I guess...

I get up, stretching and doing my normal routine, taking a shower as well.

I slipped on my outfit, it almost seemed as if the skirt is getting shorter? Shaking the though out of my head, I left my room, going to the main hall where I heard the noise.

To my surprise there was nobody there. Looking around, listening closely with my ears, I heard the screams and yelling again. It sounded like it came from Flug's lab.

I walked fast, almost running, I wanted to see what was going on before I miss it.

Walking into the lab I saw a lot of things. First I saw Flug and Demencia were pulling each other, fighting like small children do. Demencia was trying to get her hands on one of Flugs devices. I dunno whether to help or just watch it end by itself.

I looked around to find 5.0.5 sitting down watching them fight, he was eating popcorn as well. I walked over to him and took a seat on the ground, 5.0.5 offered me popcorn which I gladly had some.

Me and 5.0.5 both sat there for a while just watching Flug get his ass kicked by a girl. Until-

The doors slammed open, breaking them with such force. We looked over, 5.0.5 was frightened, Boss was here.

"I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU IDIOTS BELLICOSE LIKE CHILDREN . BOTH OF YOU JUST SHUT UP AND DO YOUR WORK!" Roared Black Hat, his voice sounded so demonic, it was still bright and early in the morning, and Black Hat was already done with today.

He looked at me with an angry eye and motioned me to follow him. uh I now in trouble?

I ran up to him following the grumpy demon. He walked all the way back into his office, when we got in the doors slammed and locked.


A chair came running behind me, making he fall back into the chair. Black Hat turned around, he still had an angry look to him...

He gripped my chin and forced a kiss upon me, even though I would kiss him. He wanted dominance, he was rough, way rougher than ever before. He forced his tongue in, checking everything out. 

He released me, both from his mouth and his grasp. I looked up at him to only see an evil smirk, licking his minty green teeth (why does he always do that?), he was hungry...

He kicked the chair away, making me go down to me knees. I was scared, nervous for what he wanted, if it what I was thinking about, then...It is something new...

"Listen...morning is rough and I need someone to help me, so I brought you..." He says. 

I was shocked by what I heard. So, was he just using me? And here I thought I was falling for someone who wanted me as much as I wanted him...

I felt so upset...All the memories we shared, he made me lose my virginity. Was he doing that all to be 'nice'?

I had enough. I wanted answers and I wanted them now. 

I stood back up to my knees facing him, as best as I could. I was mad, upset, wanted to cry.

"So, is that all what you wanted me for..." I say to him, tearing up, my voice was starting to brake.

He just looked at me, surprised, speechless, nobody has ever talked back to him, not until now.

"You just wanted me for your dirty fantasies..." I said, as a tear falls out. Black Hat had to idea what to do.

I had enough. I needed time to rethink my decisions and actions. I ran to the doors unlocking them and running out, tears slipping out.

I could hear him calling my name, but he wasn't running after me...

I ran into my room locking the door. I sat on my bed and started to break down, it felt like my heart was just broken, it hurt so much. For someone so scary, I fell for him, was it wrong? I dunno...

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, not going out for food nor nothing... My appetite was gone.

*Time Skip*

I heard a knock at the door, "Go away..." I say, my voice was still terrible as tears slowly still came out.

"It's F-Flug?" He says.

I hesitated, but let him in opening the door myself. His eyes went wide, he saw how terrible I looked. My eyes were red and puffy, my nose was running, my hair was a mess and my clothes looked all sloppy.

I went back to my bed, patting a seat next to me. He sat next to my bed.

"I s-saw you running to your room, I didn't wanna go in and ask what was w-wrong at first, but... You didn't come out for b-breakfast, lunch, or dinner. So I had to see what was going on, I-I'm sorry if I'm invading your privacy..." He says.

"No's fine..." I say reassuring him, he looked at me, almost if I was sick.

As Flug asked what was wrong, I proceeded to explain how I felt about this problem. I explained how I felt like Black Hat was just using me...Crying more again...

"O-oh (y/n) I'm s-so sorry...B-boss has been quiet all day t-too..." He says, looking down.

"I'm not going to come out for a while...Not until I can think about this for a while..."  I said.

"O-okay..." He said he got up and was about to leave my room.

"Thank you Flug..."

He looked back, surprised hearing those words. "Y-you're welcome." He left the room leaving me alone yet again...

I laid back down on the bed grabbing the pillow. I missed him...But yet...I didn't wanna see him...not right now...

Tears came flowing down again as I cried myself to sleep that night...

/Black Hats Pov/

I was walking back into my room, I wanted to talk to her, explain to her whats going on. I walked up to her door to only hear...crying...

I felt guilty. When I shouldn't. But it pained me to hear her cry. I so badly wanted to go into her room and comfort her, but she wouldn't want me by her... not right now...I hope...

I walked back into my room, trying to clear my mind, nothing worked. She kept coming back, making my heart burn like acid. I banged my head against the table,groaning.

This was gonna me a long night...

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