Teach Me How

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/Your Pov/

He is now face to face with me, he brought a hand out.

"Care to dance dear~?" He asks. My eyes widen, I was embarrassed yet again, and looked away.

"I would but...I don't know how to dance..." I admitted. His eyes go wide again but then softens. He softly grabs my hand.

"Then I'll teach you." He says.

I nodded, and stood up with him. He snapped his finger and the room became dark, looking down, I saw I was in a skirt and a shirt, not a formal dress, but...An casual outfit. 

Black Hat put a finger under my chin, looking up at him, he had a calming smile on him and his suit was a light grey. Looking around I notice there were lightly lit candles all around the room.

Black Hat guided my hands, left hand around the neck, while he clasped my right hand with his left. Black Hats right hand trailed to my waist, holding it gently. 

I looked at Black Hat he was calm, happy... he was looking right in my eyes, nothing else...

/Black Hats Pov/

I didn't care about anything else in the world looking into her (e/c), they're so memorizing.

This was the calmest I think I've ever felt, besides being alone of course. But ever since (y/n) came into my life my heart been growing, more vibrant, but only for her, not the others, bleh...

Although I should still be mean to her to show that I'm the boss but, not right now at least...

I realized we both were just awkwardly standing there, hands in there proper spots but we haven't moved yet...

I lean to the side, getting her to lean with me, we both lean to one side, then the other. Swaying slowly to the music, this was nice...

We kept swaying until the song was over another played after. 

We kept dancing, it was nice but I wanted to spice things up.

I moved a foot forward, almost stepping on (y/n)'s foot. She looks up at me.

"Follow my lead hun..." I ask her. She just watches my feet.

I brought my other foot forward and she moved her other foot back. I brought my foot back she...didn't do anything?

I looked up at her, raising an eyebrow. She just looked up, giving me a cheeky smile, she was nervous, I could sense it.

I waited until she finally understood, she brought her foot forward. I brought my other foot back and she brought her other foot forward back to our starting position. She's slowly starting to get it, but I bet she won't understand the other moves, if I would show her, maybe later...

We danced slowly bringing our feet together and continuing our swaying, slow, dance.

She rest her head on my chest, my face was slightly hot. Both of her hands were around my waist. I put one arm around her and one on her head, slowly massaging it.

I could feel her nose nuzzling into my chest, it felt...weird...

It was almost like she was gonna fall asleep, but I wasn't gonna allow her to, she still needed to eat, she woke up after noon, missed breakfast and lunch.

I moved back making her look up at me, I quickly went in and stole a kiss. God I wanna steal your heart so bad but right now is not the time...

She was surprised but instantly melted into my kiss. My hand went up to her cheek caressing her cheek.

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