Need Help Sleeping?

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Lemon Warning!!!!!

/Your Pov/

Another day for more work, getting up doing my normal morning routine but much more slowly than usual. 

Making my way to the kitchen, seeing 5.0.5 cooking as usual.

5.0.5 looks like a child trying to cook their parents food, his big eyes made him that much more adorable. I gave the big bear a great big squeeze and made my way to my seat. 

I had a hard time sleeping last night, my body just didn't want to sleep, I felt hot, uncomfortable, I didn't understand what my body wanted. But my body gave up after a while and I could finally rest...for 3 hours...

I sat down in my chair, my back leaning forward, as my head bangs the table. I silently groaned but kept my head down I was too tired to move. Besides, nobody appeared yet, not until ten minutes at least.

I could take a ten minute nap, but that would be 'unprofessional' of me. I heard footsteps walking around me taking a seat, someone is hear early...

I heard them cough, I could recognize their raspy voice, it was Black Hat.

I shot my head up, trying my best to not look tired.

Black Hat looked at me, slowly arching a brow. He looked at my eyes, he noticed they were more darker. He moved up to my hair, my hair was done, it just was finished in a mess...I got distracted looking at Black Hat, trying to read his eyes. I heard everyone else come in. Flug, then Demencia.

My eyes shot wide open, smelling the delicious bacon and eggs in front of me. I dug in happily, but looking like a sleepy child still.

Everyone finished breakfast and was on there way to their rightful places. It was just me and Black Hat sitting at the table. 

He stood up walking behind my chair, he put his hands on my shoulders, massaging them slowly. I relaxed my body, leaning all the way back in the chair, eyes closed.

I could sense him moving closer to me, whispering in my ear.

"I notice you didn't get much sleep dear...Why?" He asks, slowly...

"I dunno..." I replied.

"I smell a lie." He said, gripping my shoulders more.

I look to the other side, "I...I...Couldn't sleep because...My body was uncomfortable...Like it was hot...?" I say embarrassed, my face getting more and more red by the minute.

Black Hat stopped rubbing my shoulders.

"You were hot...? You sure you weren't in heat?" He asks, smirking in the end.

I was embarrassed even more now, realizing I was in heat and didn't do anything about it. God, was I that stupid!? 

He read my facial expression, being embarrassed, he took it as a yes.

"I could help you with that~" He says in my ear, god I keep feeling his hot breath on my neck, it was starting to drive me crazy. I started to feel heat somewhere else again...

I didn't answer him, I didn't need to...

Black Hat came around me, lifting me my legs up with one arm, and the other arm wrapped around my back. Lifting me bridal style.

Black Hat walks up to my room, the door opens on its own, closing then locking the door. He tossed me onto my bed, crawling up to me...His hands slithered up my sides as he brought his lips to mine.

God I missed those lips, its only been a day but still, I love them...

He broke the kiss as he starts to kiss lower and lower. Unbuttoning my work outfit, he let out a low growl, seeing my bra that was in the way. He teared it in half, nearly cutting my skin. I gasped at the sudden burst of wind. He chuckled and dives for my breast. Kissing the left while his hand gripped the right.

I moaned lightly, a finger in my mouth, trying to cover my moans. 

Black Hat went lower, now at my bellybutton. It tickled, my mouth slipped and I giggled. Black Hat didn't care though. As he goes lower, puling my skirt and panties down with a single claw.

I felt the cool wind hit my area. I shivered.

Black Hat lowered his head, eyes on me still, as I watched him. I was nervous as always even though he's already seen my womanhood before, he doesn't seem bothered by it.

He soon broke eye contact as he observes my area...

I felt uncomfortable, just wanting to get this over with now...

I felt Black Hats slimy tongue lick my clit. I gasped and moaned, tensing my body. I felt his hand move to my chest. Pushing my body back down. Trying to relax me as he licks me.

I could feel his tongue swirling around my clit, changing his pace, fast, faster, then slower.

It felt so gooood. Moaning more and more as he went faster.

He stopped.

I looked at him giving him a whining sound.

He looked back giving an evil look. I was now scared, again... He shoots down and shoves his tongue inside of me! I gasped. It was so slimy, and slid in and out easily.

I moaned as his tongue explored almost every part inside of me. His long tongue just felt like it was getting longer and longer, going deeper inside of me.

He slipped his tongue out. I felt the cool wind hit my area, it was cold very.

"You taste scrumptious dear~" He compliments, smirking and licking his lips.

He went back down and licked my clit. I happily sighed leaning back down, smiling.

He inserted a finger in, I gasped but moaned. He started at a fast pace. A sudden feel of extreme pleasure hitting me. Making my moans more intense.

He inserted another finger, making me just moan more. 

I was loving this, but it seemed as if Black Hat wanted more...

He inserted another finger, making that three fingers. It started to hurt, but I eased up, slightly.

It still hurt as he fingered me only harder. I was soon crying as I moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

Black Hat smirked as he kept licking my clit. Going faster and faster. I was soon reaching my limit.

Black Hat could tell as I wrapped around his fingers tighter, but he still fingered me hard and fast, curling his fingers at times. 

My body kept jerking up, tensing. But Black Hats left hand pushed me down, and kept me down. For just using his left hand he was pretty damn strong!

I just kept moaning Black Hats name as he went faster and faster. I soon reached my limit and came, I screamed as my body jerking forward. I twitched, it was almost timed perfectly too.

As I came, Black Hat pulled his fingers out and dived his head in my entrance. His tongue lapping around my entrance, collecting my juices. He inserts his tongue inside of me, sucking me dry...

It felt so good coming and having someone like him do it.

I felt exhausted not moving. Black Hat took his tongue back out, he licked his lips, gathering the remaining juices up. He looked at me smirking.

Black Hat grabbed my legs, throwing  them back onto the bed, laying the covers over me.

"You, will get today off. BUT ONLY TODAY!" He says.

I just nodded my head. I was too exhausted to talk.

I heard Black Hat sigh, He leans into me, kissing my forehead.

"Better get your nights rest dear..." He says, rubbing my arm.

He walked away, leaving the room, flicking the light off and shutting the door.

I closed my eyes, smiling as I drift into a needed good nights rest.

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