Knock Off Videos

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/Your Pov/

My eyes slowly opened in my dark room. What even happened last night?

I tried to think about what happened. Then, it hit me.

I was in the bath and Black Hat came in with me. I lost my...Virginity to him...But the last thing I can remember is passing out in the tub.

I chuckled at what happened. I really was foolish. It wasn't rape either. I always thought I would get raped by him earlier, but I slowly soon was starting to want him.

I sat up, a hand on my head, looking over at the time it was 6. This was probably the earliest I woke up.

I decided to get up and get my morning routine done early.

I slipped on my outfit, Left my hair down and curly. Brushed my teeth, I noticed my eye bags were going away slowly, I guess working hard and sleeping more is helping?

I was on my bed, going through my phone, nothing new...again...

I was staring into nothing, but zoned back into reality when there was a knock at the door.

I groaned, not wanting to get up.

The door opened, revealing Black Hat. He had his normal face on as he makes my way to the bed, sitting on the edge of my bed. My sheets were all messy, I never bothered making them.

He puts a hand on my leg, looking up at me.

"Do you remember what happened, last night I mean?" He asks, still having his stern look on him.

I nodded my head, "I only remember up until I passed out." I reply to him. 

"Well, we were still sitting in our same position for a while, I said your name. But you didn't respond. I moved up, looking at you, you were out cold. I didn't want to put you in bed covered in bloody water. So I cleaned you off, washing every part of your body. Drying you off and slipping you in bed." He explains to me.

I nodded my head, not much happened after I was out. Black Hat was nice enough to clean me, my hair, and my body.

"Thank you Black Hat." I say, looking at him in his eye, smiling. I said his name even though I wasn't suppose to. Would that make him angry? 

Looking at him, he turns a light shade of red and looks away, "Y-yea." He stuttered.

He stayed in my room with me until it was time to go to breakfast. We had a few small talk like we did before that one night.

We both walked together to the kitchen, everyone gave us a weird look, Black Hat took his seat, having his pissed off normal look again.

I go into the kitchen and make us some tea. Two cups of tea, one for me and one for Black Hat. I handed him his cup, he doesn't look up at me. I don't expect him saying thank you in front of everyone.

We had our usual breakfast, toast and eggs. After breakfast everyone went to their normal places. I went to the kitchen, helping 5.0.5 clean the kitchen, I partnered up with 5.0.5 today. We both cleaned the same room together, getting it done twice as fast.

As we both finished our work early, I wanted to see what Black Hat was up to. I walk to his office, opening the door gently, letting myself in.

I look over to see Flug with Black Hat with a camera in front of them. Were they making a video?

I took my seat on the couch, being as quiet as I possibly could. Watching them make their video.

The camera was pointed to Black Hats desk. Flug hit the record button.

"Hello Villains~! Black Hat here with more good you need to destroy those heroes in your life!" Black Hat says to the camera, he clenched his fist while saying destroy, he must really despise them.

He gets up and walks over to a stand, grabbing a ball. The camera follows his every action.

"Like this! My brand new anti gravity ray! it has...uh...Flug! How do I activate this hideous mechainism." He looks over to Flug, who awkwardly slides into the camera view.

"Well, boss, it's really more of a device than a ray-" He explains. But Black Hat cuts him of, showing his evil face, he didn't want to be messed with.

"Does it work or not? Flug?" He held the anti gravity device in the air, shaking it, about to hit Flug with it.

Flug defends himself. "It works! It works! Hit the green button!" He says quickly, shrieking.

Black Hat calms down and presses the button only to have him and everything around him start to float! I look down realize I was floating too! I was frightened but soon was giggling floating in Black Hats office.

"What! Flug get me down! now!" He orders Flug. Both men were floating, Flug was moving around, struggling. Black Hat was crossed armed, not impressed.

"I tried to tell you! This is a device! Not a ray! It makes everything float away!" Flug says, still floating around.

Black Hat grabbed Flug by the collar, "Who would make this!? You idiot! No one wants a whole room to float away!" He yelled in Flugs ear, Flug was frightened.

I was still in a sitting position. Waiting to be put back down on the couch.

We all saw Demencia come in, I'm guess Black Hat took notice I was here, but he doesn't mind, at least I hope he didn't. Demencia had the device in her mouth, chewing on it.

Black Hat yells at Demencia, "Demencia! Get us down...NOW!" He ordered her.

Flug butt in, "WAIT! Don't hit the-" But it was too late for him to finish, Demencia hit the button. Everything came down, I was back on the couch. Black Hat landed on his feet, crossed arms. While Flug fell on a few things, he was in pain. I felt bad for him.

Demencia apologized. And hit the button again making everything float again, including her.

Black Hat was pissed, "Why did you hit the button again!" He yelled at the lizard. She only shrugged. She was now in a sitting position, legs crossed and hands making peace signs.

"We alllllll floaaattt" She says, floating in a direction.

We were all now floating. I tried to move by swimming. It worked but I looked ridiculous. I was against a wall. Pushing off it, floating somewhere. My back hit someones, I heard a growl, I knew who this was...

Turning around I saw Black Hat furious, but he calmed down after looking at me. We both just floated, looking at each other for a while. I held on to him, because I was starting to drift away from him. I didn't want to go yet.

Black Hat was still in his place. We looked over to the side seeing Flug and Demencia fighting like children. I giggled at this. Black Hat looked at me raising an eyebrow, he didn't think it was funny.

We all were floating for a while until 5.0.5 walked in. 

"You! Get us down..Now!" Black Hats points to 5.0.5 and yells at him. He was giving the bear an threatening look.

5.0.5 was scared, unsure what to do. He grabs the device, making  all these confusing bear noises, he was scared so he shoves the device in his mouth and swallows it.

Black Hat face palmed, "I hate you all..." He says.

The blue bear started to spark, my eyes widened, was 5.0.5 okay!? 

After a few flashes, the bear fell down slightly burned. The anti gravity device much have malfunction when it was in 5.0.5 stomach. 5.0.5 was alright, he got up scratched his head.

We all fell down, closing my eyes waiting to fall on my butt. I opened my eyes to see I was in Black Hats arms, he caught me. I looked away, embarrassed. He put me back on my feet.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning Black Hats office up, when I mean 'we' I mean me and 5.0.5.

Later on I grabbed the camera and watched the video, I chuckled many times, it was funny, but Black Hat made us delete it. 

Party pooper.

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