Wrong Choice

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Your Pov

As we left the mansion, I could feel eyes on me, more than one as well...

I tried to shake off the feeling and go to the park with Flug to relax. I kept feeling like something bad would happened though...

We kept walking, we both looked scared now, but as we entered the park all the kids started to calm me, but not Flug, he was terrified as all hell. 

We saw the kids playing on the playground, running around, and playing tag. I looked around for a bench to sit at, I motioned Doc to follow me. We sat and watched the kids have the time of there little lives.


One little boy came up to us, he had light brown hair, blue eyes, a red and white stripped shirt, with jean shorts, and brown shoes. He looked like a very shy boy.

"Ma'am, would you l-like to come and play with m-me? He asked.

My insides died, this was too cute!

"Of course! Flug come on!" I said.

"I don't thi-Woah!" I interrupted him, grabbed his arm, jerking him up to his feet, and dragging him to where all the kids are. 

They're so many of them now! There weren't this many before, right?

A kid with blonde hair, yelled amongst the other kids.

"Alright! Now we have enough for tag! The tall lady is it!" He announced. Everyone ran away from me, Flug just awkwardly stood there, he looked like he was blushing a bit as well?

"Flug, you better run cause Ima get you!" I slowly stomped to him, he cowardly ran away, it was the funniest run I've ever seen him do! I laughed out loud.

I looked around seeing who I could tag first. I saw the blonde kid again and darted to him, good thing were faster than them, heh. I tag the boy and ran as fast as I could away.

"You're it!" I said running away. I could hear the boy yelling no fair in the background. I only laughed harder.

Black Hats Pov

I made my way to the park, I saw y/n first, she was running as fast as she could, I got defensive and was about to come out and hurt who was chasing my dear, but I stopped in my tracks seeing her being chased by a child?

I was confused, I kept watching her run and run, she can run quite fast. I saw her ran into someone, I chuckled but soon stopped when I saw she ran into Flug, Flug was blushing madly, while y/n was just laughing. 

All the kids soon came to the two and jumped on them, 'dog piling' them as its called. Y/n looks like she's having fun. Was she not having fun with me?

Your Pov

Soon all the kids got off of me and I rolled off of Flug, Flug looks terrified while I was still laughing my ass off, my sides were starting to hurt and I was about to piss myself.

I soon started to stop laughing as I got up and saw it was getting dark, I walked over to Flug offering a hand, he took it.

"It's getting dark lets go back before it gets too dark." I told him, he nodded. We waved the kids goodbye and left the park. We were both silently walking again, I broke the silent for once.

"Did you had fun?" I asked him.

"Y-yea.." He replied.

We both were walking in silent yet again. We were walking through alleys, not feeling afraid at all. 

But we should've been...

I hand came over to my mouth as I was pulled aside. I saw Flug looking back and running to me, trying to help me. While I was kicking this stranger, trying to get free, he had a good grip on me. The stranger punch Flug right across the face, he fell down in an instant, not getting back up. 

I bit the strangers hand, he yelped and moved his hand from my mouth, and yelled as loudly as I could, hoping someone could help us...

The stranger put me in a choke-hold and started to hit me, mostly he hit my stomach, making me cough hard, coughing up blood.

I felt like I was gonna pass out, I was dizzy, seeing stars, and bleeding. My head was hanging low until I heard someone else other than Flug and this Stranger. I felt the stranger moved back and let go of me, dropping me to the ground.

I looked up before I passed out seeing a blurry figure with a top hat, and Flug on their shoulder. They came to me and picked me up bridal style, I saw it was Black Hat before I passed out.

Black Hats Pov 

I'm glad I could hear her screams, but I was worried when I saw her, she was all beaten up, and coughing an extreme amount of blood.

I'm glad I got to her before that man could do anything to her.

But now I'm unsure about what to do now since the doctor was out. All I know was that I needed to bring them back home and in there beds, cleaned up as well.

*Time Skip*

Your Pov

I woke up with the worst headache of my life, groaning was all I could do, I couldn't really move my body, it hurt too much. 

I tried to remembered what had happened to me, then it clicked.

"God I'm such an idiot!" I yelled, I was on the verge of crying.

"Don't be so hard on herself." Said a voice. I turned my head over to see Black Hat. I turned back  over and started to cry, scared of what 'punishment' I'll get now.

I heard him move closer, He put a hand on my stomach, making me flinched in pain, I turned around to see him knelled to my height.

He put a hand on my cheek wiping away some of the tears.

"Now...I want to know. Why. Did. You. Leave." He asked growling, he was upset obviously.

I took a deep breath and told him the truth.

"I heard that Flug always works and never had done anything else so I thought it would've been a good idea to go to the park and relax, I was so wrong..." I explained, sobbing at the last part.

Black Hats Pov

After hearing her say that, I didn't really understand. She wanted to do something nice for someone who she never really talks to.

I was upset at her still non the less.

"I was...worried... about you. I thought of so many possibility's, I was...frightened. I didn't want to lose you..." I admit. She look surprised, yea I can be soft, but only she makes me soft.

I heard her cry more, "I-I'm so s-sorry, I thought I w-was doing something r-riight..."

I shushed her quietly, trying to wipe most of her tears away. 

"I understand you wanted to do something right for him, but you need to know that this place isn't so nice as you think it is, especially in the dark." I explained to her. 

She nodded, but still kept crying.

I thought for a moment and hopped in her bed, she instantly hugged my side, making me freeze, but soon eased in her touch. I wrapped an arm around her, while stroking her hair with the other. She kept crying but slowly started to stop.

She soon fell asleep, I stayed with her for the night to make sure she will be okay, I had Demencia and 5.0.5 take care of Flug.

I held her close, tearing up a little but making sure nothing falls on her.

"I forgive you y/n, *sigh* I need to keep a better eye on you." I mumbled the last part, and kissed her forehead closing my eyes and enjoyed hearing her breathing.

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