The Monster Inside

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/Dreaming/ Your Pov/

I was outside of town, The buildings were all on fire, many people were dead on the ground, blood was everywhere. I was frightened, walking slowly in the town. Looking at all the destruction...

I was looking at the red gloomy sky, when a building was suddenly collapsing, falling straight towards me!

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, jumping to get farther away from the building.

My body scrapped against the broken road, many wounds were now opened as the blood trickled down. I needed to get up before anything else could fall on me. I tried to get up, but my legs wobbled and put me back down on the ground. I felt so weak. But was determined to get back up still. 

I successfully got back on my feet leaning against a building, sure it was on fire, but it was still sturdy. I was scared to move, I stood by the building until I felt ready to move.

I moved my left leg forward, it hurt. I move my right leg then, still hurting.

Looking up at the red sky, it was a nightmare, smoke was everywhere. It looked as if it was in the shape of....Black Hat?!

It had glowing eyes and mouth that looked like lava, it most likely was, I must've been watching for too long. The eyes moved and looked at me, seeing a single human still alive. His face scrunched up and roared loudly.

The smoke came rushing towards me, I ran in the other directing, legs hurting with every step, but I still kept running, no, I needed to run, to be safe. I kept running and looking back it was still after me but it seemed as if I was faster for once.

I kept running, and running, and running, until...


I ran into something or...someone...?

I move my hands, pushing myself up. Looking up I saw...Black Hat?! But I thought he was just chasing me!?

He looked down at me, his right eye black with a red pupil and spikes all around his eye. Looking down at his body he had mouths and eyes everywhere, spikes almost everywhere he went. His clothes were just as alive as he was. What a nightmare...

He just looked at me smiling as a hole bunch of bugs crawl out of his mouth! I was frightened. I tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist. He gabbed in hard, his claws digging in my skin. I screamed as more pain came to me, blood trickling out of the wound.

He pulled me in to him. He put his claw on my jaw, his thumb caressing my cheek, It almost felt like the Black Hat I know. He brought his lips to mine, kissing me slowly. I kissed back, tears still slipping out still.

Everything felt quiet, almost as if everything was gone and okay.

Until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I gasp, my breathing hitched. I stopped kissing him, looked down to see his hand dug into my stomach, blood squirting out...

I coughed harder and harder as blood was coming out. Black Hat immediately goes back to my mouth sticking his tongue in, gathering all the blood. I was helpless... 

My vision was getting dizzy and blurry, I looked up at him, who just pulled away, he shushed me, closing my eyes.

As I fell to the darkness again. 

/Dream End/

I shot up, gripping my stomach. Feeling my stomach being normal. I was all hot and sweaty. breathing heavy, I looked over to see it was seven in the morning. Good timing...

I got up put my outfit on and did everything as I would normally do.

Walking out of my room, I wanted to see if he was in his own room...

Making my way to his room slowly, I looked through the keyhole. He had no shirt on...My face flushed, but I still kept on watching. He turned around sliding his red button shirt on, he has a nice body, looking lower I saw...

He had a mouth over his stomach...?! My eyes wind opened. I looked away, seeing that it reminded me of the dream I had...

I quietly left and went down to the dining room, Waiting for everyone else to show up.

*Time Skip* 

Once everyone was here we all had our breakfast. I felt eyes on me but I didn't look back. Frightened by what I saw. I wanted to not think that was real, but I couldn't get it out of my mind. It was haunting me...

Me and 5.0.5 got done cleaning early and it was after lunch I decided to go to the lab to see what Flug was up too.

The doors opened and I see...him...

I was frightened...But still wanted to be in here though...

Flug was talking to his boss, showing him his latest experiment. It was a plant looked perfect to finish a suit. Flug suddenly looked back at me smiling and waving. He was distracted and Black Hat broke the glass, making the plant jump, attaching himself to Flug.

Flug dropped in pain, he was shaking, but shot up. His eyes were glowing green. 5.0.5 came into the room, Flug saw him and started to yell at the bear. Yelling mean things that obviously weren't true.

5.0.5 just broke into tears and ran out, I tried to call him back, wanting to go after him, but he was already too far away.

Flug came over towards me, the plant jumped off of him, I flinched waiting for contact...

but... Nothing came...?

I peeped my eyes open to see...Black Hat in front of me...He...He saved me...? Why...?

He turned around, now facing me. I looked at his face, it was stone cold, the plant didn't affect him. 

Looking down at the plant, the plant was dead. It was all shriveled, dried up.

I looked back up to him...

"Of course it won't work with a creature who has an evil heart, like me." He says, smirking.

I looked over to where Flug was, he got up grabbing his head. I rushed over to him, basically ignoring Black Hat. I helped Flug up, and brought him over to a chair to rest for now. Looking over at him, he looked mad, and not like his usual anger face, but jealous...

My eyes widen at his look, I didn't want to be punished again...I quickly made my way out of the room. He was confused, but I didn't want to look back, I could imagine him running to me like he did in my dreams...

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