The Type Of Couple You Are

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Ponyboy~ The meant-to-be couple; You both are the two that The Gang and your other friends have been shipping since the day you two met. They all think that you two are perfect for each other.

Johnny~ The affectionate couple; It's not often that you and Johnny kiss and hug in public, but when you do, everyone thinks that it is cute. Your affection doesn't make anyone around you guys uncomfortable.

Dallas~ The on and off couple; You and Dally's relationship is very complicated... So much so that anyone you both know cannot keep updates on whether or not y'all are together or broken up again.

Sodapop~ The best friends couple; You guys have been friends since you were kids. And when high school came, he decided to ask you out. Even though you both are dating, you still act like best friends.

Steve~ The total opposites couple; One is outgoing, the other is laidback. One is spontaneous, the other is rigid. One is messy, the other is very clean. It amazes people how you both get along, but they like that y'all do-You and Steve are cute that way.

Two-Bit~ The out-going couple; To others it seems as though you and Keith probably met while clubbing and hooked up the first time you set eyes on each other. People thought you guys were just a fling, but nope. Y'all are still dating.

Darrel~ The chill couple; You both are the type to just stay home watching movies and eating snacks in your pajamas. You and Darry give off a cool vibe.

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