Johnny Cade

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You were walking down the street, coming home from the movies, when you suddenly heard a bunch of shouting from across the street. You quickly look over and see Johnny on the ground, getting hit by his mother. He was crawling, trying to get away from her, but she just kept hitting him, which made your heart break. He's your friend and you had to do something about it.

You quickly walk across the street and try to help Johnny up, but he has trouble because she is still going at it. You look at her like she's crazy.

"Stop would ya?! He's had enough!" You shout.

"This is my son! You don't tell me what to do." She says.

"I'll call the cops." You say. You knew what you said wasn't true because he would have to be taken away and you didn't want him to go.

She instantly stopped. "You-"

"Just drop it and go do something else with your life." You say, helping Johnny up.

She walks away, not saying another word, which made you glad. You didn't have time to argue with some lady all day.

You look at Johnny to make sure he's okay, but he doesn't show any sign of emotion. He is a tough kid... And it takes a lot to make him cry.

"Are you alright?" You ask. He looks at you and nods.

"Y-yeah... I'm alright, I guess." He mumbles.

"Walk with me... I'll fix you up."

He nods and you both start walking.


Johnny was sitting on your bed as you patched him up. He admires you for a good few minutes but when you finally look up, he looks away blushing.

"All done," You say with a smile. "That cut'll make ya look tough."

He smiles slightly. "Thanks, (Y/N)... You're a good friend."

"So are you." You say.

"What made you help me?" He asks.

You look at him weirdly. "What? Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, it's just that... A lot of people see me get hit every day and they never help... Well besides the gang," He says. "Why did you help me?"

You place a hand gently on his shoulder and look him in the eyes.

"Johnny, I care a lot about you... and seeing you hurt like that today... It made me so angry," You say. "I want you to know that ya mean the world to me."

He smiles and you both look into each other's eyes for a hot minute.

"C-can I kiss you?" He asks.

You nod. And without hesitation, he smashes his lips against yours.

His lips were soft, and the kiss was something that you could definitely get used to.

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