Steve Randle

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"Are ya sure they'll like me?" You ask. Your best friend Paula rolls her eyes.

"Of course they will," she says while chewing on her gum. "You ain't got nothing to worry 'bout."

You nod your head and continue walking. See, Paula is dating Sodapop and she thought that it would be a good idea if you met him and his friends. You've heard a lot about them.


You guys finally arrive to the DX and as soon as you and Paula get there, all eyes dart to you both.

Paula smiles and walks over to her boyfriend. "Hey, babe!" She says, giving kisses all over his face. "This is (Y/N)."

He nods his head up, giving a quiet 'sup' with it.

You talk with the gang for a little and flirt a little with some guy named Dally until someone comes out and whistles.

"Wooo, who's the fine lady?!" He asked while walking closer and checking you out.

You cross your arms and roll your eyes. He puts his hand out for you to shake. "I'm Steve."

You grab his hand and shake it. "(Y/N)." You say with a slight smile. You weren't gonna lie, he was pretty cute.

"What's a fine thing like you doin' here all alone?" He asks

You totally forgot about Dallas because you were suddenly so interested in Steve.

"I didn't come alone. I came with Paula."

"Awe, that's a shame," He starts with a cheesy grin on his face. "I would've walked you back to where you came from... You know it's dangerous walking 'round here alone."

"Oh really?" You ask, with a smirk.

"Yeah... But I'm more dangerous." He says in a seductive tone, throwing in a wink.

You laugh at his cheesiness.

"How about we-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Soda came out and shouted for him.

"Steve get back inside. I need your help." He said before closing the door back.

He looked at you. "You better start coming around here often."

You smile at him. "Don't worry. I will."

Paula walks up to you with a smirk. "So, you and Steve, huh?" She asks teasingly.

You roll your eyes. "Maybe."

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