Does Your Parent(s) Approve

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Ponyboy~ yUp; They think that he's a real intelligent and kind kid, and is a good influence on you.

Johnny~ Absolutely; You're parent(s) think that Johnny is a real sweetheart and he doesn't deserve what he gets from his parents. They'll take him in when he doesn't have anywhere to stay or when he's in the lot. They'd adopt him if you two weren't dating.

Dallas~ nOp; Your parent(s) do not like Dally what-so-ever. They blame him for your now somewhat reckless and rebellious behavior. They tried to forbid your relationship once, but they gave up after they found out you were still seeing each other.

Sodapop~ Of course; They think he's very handsome and nice. He even talks about your guys' future what makes them even more happy. If you two were to get married, your parent(s) wouldn't mind one bit.

Steve~ Sort of; They think he is pretty messy and reckless. Especially when he came over for dinner to meet them. Although he acted that way, your parent(s) thought that he was okay.

Two-Bit~ Eh; They were a bit skeptical at first. But you can't really hate Two-Bit, especially when he kept cracking jokes to lighten the mood.

Darry~ YES; Your parent(s) thinks that he is a great guy. He's mature and not to mention very handsome. They like him because they feel like he has it out for the two of you - He's stable, but even more stable with you.

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