Two-Bit Matthews

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You and Two-Bit had only just started dating about three months ago. And within those three months, any person can tell that you love him... You just don't know if he feels the same way. It's stupid, yeah... But maybe he isn't ready for the "I love you's" or whatever.

It's night time and you're walking down the street by yourself, heading over to Curtis', where Two-Bit and the rest of the gang was, when suddenly a maroon colored Mustang starts following you and that's when you knew it was the god damn Socs.

They start to catcall as you start to speed up your pace in walking. The Socs always would bother you here and there before you started going out with Two-Bit. But now that you're with him. They won't stop bothering you. Especially Bob he is really upset that you decided to choose "a hood" instead of him.

Everyone considers you as a Greaser now... Even if it hasn't been confirmed by The Gang.

You stop and look in the car, and see Bob smirking at you. You roll your eyes.

"Stop following me." You say sternly, causing the other guys in the car to abrupt in laughter.

You never scared them. You were a small bean compared to those guys. Well, to them they thought you were.

You ball your hands into a fist and continue walking, ignoring those stupid insults they call you. You never really understood them; The Socs. One minute they're all flirty and nice with you, but the next minute, they're all rude. Or it's the other way around; Rude then flirty.

There is no use of them following you all the way to where you have to be. They're just getting ignored.

You were about to cross the street, but the car blocked your path. Bob opens his door grabs you. You start to panic and yell for help. You had no idea that the house was right in your face.

Bob puts a hand over your mouth, making you squirm and yell.

"You best stop squirming or I'm gonna have to cut your pretty face." Bob says.

One of his friends pulled out a blade and held it close to your face.

Out of nowhere, you heard a bunch of padding of shoes on the concrete running towards you.

The first person you saw was Two-Bit and then there was Sodapop and Steve.

Bob quickly let go of you, pushing you to the ground, got back into his car, and sped off.

Soda and Steve followed the car, while Two-Bit stayed behind and helped you up.

"Oh, god. Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked frantically.

You nod your head. "Yeah... I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, i'm sure." You say, smiling slightly at how concerned he is for you.

"I don't know what would of happened if they did something to you... I love you."

You knew that it was true... It wasn't out if panic or anything. He meant it.

"I-I love you too, Keith."

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