Ponyboy Curtis

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You are underage and drinking... but whatever, right? Your parents are out of town, and you decided to go to a party with your boyfriend Ponyboy. It was at Buck's house.

You take, which seems to be your tenth shot tonight and stumble away from the table.

You walk over to Dally, who was making out with a girl. You tap his shoulder and he looks over at you.

"What, (Y/N)?" He asks. "I'm busy, man."

You laugh at his annoyed face, which pisses him off even more.

"Wh-Where's Ponyboy?" You ask.

He nods his head over to where Pony was standing. You give him a quick thank you and walk away to Pony.

You stumble over to Ponyboy, almost falling over, but he quickly catches you. You smirk at him and grabs his face.

"Did I ever tell ya how beautiful you look?" You slur.

He smiles. "Yes, (Y/N), too many times..." He says. "But I could also say the same to you."

You snort and slap his face gently, patting it afterward.

Out of nowhere, you grip onto his shoulders and jump on his back. He is caught off guard because he stumbles forward but grabs your thighs on time.

"Take me somewhere, Pony!" You say, petting his hair.

He laughs and looks at you weirdly over his shoulder.

"Why aren't you galloping yet?" You ask. "Take me somewhere."

"Sure, whatever you say, baby." He says before literally galloping around the house, damn near bumping into a few people. They gave you both weird looks, but y'all had no care in the world.

You laughed uncontrollably at how goofy Ponyboy is. You both were goofy and that's what you loved... Oh, and him of course.

You and Pony got tired and decided to sit on the front steps of the house.

"I'm glad I came here with ya." He said.

You smiled at him. "Me too."

Johnny came outside and looked at the two of them with worried faces.

"Darry just called Dally and he's goin' crazy about where the both of ya are at." Johnny says.

You and Pony look at each other.


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