Sodapop Curtis

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You are at your locker with your friend, getting your books out of your locker. She hit your arm and pointed somewhere down the hall.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Look!" She says, hitting your arm really hard.

"What, Paula? My gosh..." You say, obviously annoyed.

"Look, there's Sodapop." She says, sighing dreamily.

You roll your eyes. You always thought that Sodapop was a very cocky person... Flashing that million dollar smile and winking at every girl he walks pass who are practically drooling over him. And the funny thing is, he knew exactly what he was doing.

You weren't going to lie though... He's pretty hot. Not even pretty. He's just hot hot.

You close your locker and start walking down the hall with Paula. Of course, you had to pass by him.

You quickly walk, never looking to your side. You know Soda always had a thing for you, but you weren't going to give in that easily. He's probably some man-whore who has his ways with girls.

You look straight ahead. He was leaning against a locker, watching you walk by.

"Hey, (Y/N)- Wait." He quickly said, trying to get you to slow down.

Paula looked at you like you were crazy. Never in a million years would someone turn down Soda... Well - especially her.

You stop and look at him. "What is it, Curtis?"

He smirks. "Do you wanna-"

"No, I don't want to do anything with you." You say.

His smirk falls. "But you didn't even give me a chance to-"

"Because I know what type of guy you are."

He puts his hands up defensively. "Alright, Sweetheart..."

You walk away... And Paula is still standing in front of Sodapop, trying to flirt.

"Did I ever tell you-"

She was interrupted by you.

"Paula, come on." You say.

She frowns. "Fine..."

Paula follows shortly after you and sighs really loud. It was a dramatic sigh. You knew she wanted your attention.

"Why don't you just give the guy a chance?" She asks.

"I... Maybe I will, okay?" You say.

She smiles and hits your arm repeatedly.


It was after school and you were walking out of the building, but someone quickly caught your hand. You turn around and see Soda smiling at you. Gosh, he's a real cutie.

"Listen, (Y/N)... I just wanted to ask if I could take you out sometime." He says.

You ponder for a moment... But you can't say no to a face like that.

"But what about those girls-"

"They don't mean nothin' to me... You're something special." He says.

You could feel butterflies in your stomach.

"Alright, Soda... How about on Friday?" You ask.

He nods. "It's a date, then."

You give him your number and start to walk away. He says a quiet "yes" and does some weird happy dance.

"Oh, wait! I'll pick you up at 7!" He shouted, shoving his hands in his pocket.

He was so cute... You can tell that you two were going to be something... Something that'll last for hopefully a lifetime.

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