He Hits You

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Ponyboy~ You guys had a really bad argument. You've never seen Ponyboy the way he was and it was really scary.


Before you could get your sentence out, you felt a sharp pain on your cheek. It hurt so much that you couldn't scream or cry... You just felt your cheek and looked up at him in disbelief.

"I'm sorry... You need to start listening, (Y/N)! I- I didn't want to hurt ya..."

"Fuck you, Ponyboy."

Johnny~ Johnnycake doesn't ever hit you. He always tells you that he hates when people get abused and that nobody should ever go through it. Especially you. Let's just say he kept his word.

Dallas~ It was all out of anger. Dally never hits you, but he got so mad at you, that one day, he slapped you right in the face. You're a tough girl... but also dumb, because you decided to fight back. But you got yourself hurt even more. You didn't cry, you cursed him all the way out. You were hurt but you didn't wanna show it.
Dallas is a dangerous guy, and you knew that when you first him.

Sodapop~ Some guy that you knew from school was flirting with you right in front of Soda, your boyfriend. Soda got so mad that he lunged towards the guy and started beating his face in. You got really scared that he was gonna kill the poor dude, so you tried to pull Soda back. He didn't even realized that he had elbowed you right in the stomach. It was an accident. But when he did realize, he made sure that you were okay and apologized.

Steve~ Steve is a guy who doesn't think before he does things. He slapped you very harshly, making you fall. Your ass hurt after that. But you managed to get up and beat the tar out of him.
He didn't do it again.

Two-Bit~ Keith wouldn't hit ya... unless y'all were play fighting, it would be soft hits.

Darrel~ Darry respects you. He knows that if he ever tries pullin some clownery shit like that, he is so gonna regret it.

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