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Ponyboy~ You are having major contractions right now in the hospital bed, shouting at the nurses and crying every so often. Pony's sitting beside you, hella confused.

"PONY!" You shout at him, causing him to jump a little and get him out of his little zone.

You have no idea why you shouted his name... but you're mad and just as confused as him.

You're getting mad at every little thing, so he's trying to be as gentle and nice as possible to you.

"Are- Are ya alright?" He frantically asks.

"NO... no," You repeat trying to calm yourself down. "I'll be fine once you hold my hand."

Johnny~ You felt bad. Johnny's been nothing but nice to you and you're giving him complete shit on the way to the hospital and when you guys arrive there.

Well, I mean, you are giving birth.

You were crying and pushing. You grasped on Johnny's hand every so often, he didn't mind one bit. Johnny was trying his best to make sure you're alright and to calm you down but you're just not having it.

"It's okay Y/-"

"JOHNNY, IT'S NOT OKAY! I'M IN PAIN!" You shout at him.

"Alright, alright..." He mumbles. Johnny was really excited, though.

Dallas~ You held tight on Dally's hand, squeezing from time to time. He didn't know what to do, so he just let you shout at him and squeeze his hand.

If it were another situation, he would be shouting at you too. But you get a pass for this one.

"Y-You did this to me!" You shout at him, squeezing his hand really hard again.

He winced. "You wanted this, man... not me."

"Shut up, Dally!" You say, on the verge of tears.

Sodapop~ Soda isn't even here. You are having major contractions without your significant other by your side.

You are sad, but also in pain.... but also angry. One because of Soda, and two because of the baby.

"Where... where's my husband?" you ask,for like the 100th time.

The nurse was completely ignoring you. You wouldn't blame her though. You were giving her so much attitude.

"I SAID," You say louder, obviously annoyed. "Where's my hus-"

You are having contractions again. You lay your head back and take deep breaths.

Soda comes in the room, frantically walking to your side and giving you a loving kiss on the forehead.

"Where were you?" You ask sternly.

"I'm sorry... I was at work and was trying to get here as soon as possible." He says out of breath.

"As long as you're here now." You say with a slight smile.

Steve~ You and Steve had a petty ass argument before your water broke. It was about ice cream.

And as soon as you started yelling at him, it was over.

He rushed you over to the hospital fast.

Now, you're in the hospital bed crying and saying "ow" every time you feel a contraction.

"It's okay, Y/N," He says, wiping the hair that's sticked to your forehead away. "I should've just gotten the right ice cream..." Steve mutters.

Two-Bit~ Keith is excited. He has his camera and every thing.

If only he knew what you're going through, while he's smiling behind the camera recording everything...

"Smile for the camera!" He excitedly says.

You glare at him while the nurse is telling you to push.

Darrel~ "Take deep breaths, baby." Darry cooed as he wipes the sweat from your forehead with a rag.

You were having trouble. You just wanted the baby to pop out already.

You did as Darry said. You took deep breaths.

He kissed your forehead and said sweet nothings to you, as you felt like you were going to die on that hospital bed.

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