Your Kid Needs Help

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(This is modern day).
(Y/K/N) = Your Kid's Name .

Ponyboy~ Your kid was in his room, getting upset because he didn't understand the question. He was pulling his hair. Pony was walking past the room and he noticed that, too.

(Y/K/N) isn't very good at math.

"Hey, what's going on, kiddo?" Pony asked.

(Y/K/N) looked up from the paper and huffed. "I- I'm having trouble with this question..."

Pony came over and hovered behind the boy, crossing his arms, and checking over the paper.

"It's alright. Just tell me what question, bud."

He pointed to the question, sighing loudly.

"The answer is -8." Pony says, explaining and writing out the problem for him.

He smiles at his father. "Thanks, dad."

Ponyboy patted the boy's shoulder and smiled.

Johnny~ "Dad! I need help..." Your little boy shouts from downstairs.

Johnny comes jogging down the steps, almost slipping in his socks. "What's up, (Y/K/N)?" He asks.

"I need help tying my shoes." He says, feeling embarrassed because of that. He's always getting bullied in school because he's 5 and doesn't know how to and will never tell you or Johnny.

Johnny kneels down in front of the boy and grabs their shoe laces. "Alright, pay close attention, okay?"

He nods and watches as his dad slowly ties his shoe, explaining as he goes.

"Now try and do the other one by yourself."

The little boy kneels and grabs his shoe laces, tying them. Johnny smiles slightly, but it quickly fades when he sees (Y/K/N) frowning.

"What's wrong, bud?" Johnny asks.

"It's all floppy..." He says kicking it around a little.

"That's alright. At least their tied, right?"

He nodded and thanked his dad before walking away.

Before (Y/K/N) opened the front door, Johnny called after him.

"Is there someone bothering ya in school?" He asks.

He shakes his head no and starts fiddling with his hands, but Johnny and you caught on to that whenever he starts playing with his hands, he's lying.

"(Y/K/N)..." Johnny says in a warning tone, just to try and get him to speak.

"Yes." He quickly says, looking down.

"Why?" Johnny asks.

"B-because I don't know how to tie my shoe..."

"Well now you do. You can brag all you want," Johnny says, making the boy smile. "If they say one more thing, you let me know... I'll beat their asses."

Dallas~ You're kid was yelling and almost crying because they kept dying in the game. Dally thought there was something wrong, so he shot up the stairs and came in the room. He is very protective over his little girl.

"What's going on?!" He looked at her and saw her on the floor, playing the game on the TV.

"I thought there was something wrong, man..."

She looked up at her dad and giggled. "Sorry, dad. I'm just having trouble with this game."

He walked over and sat down next to her on the floor. "What is it anyway?"

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