7 Minutes in Heaven

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You aren't together in this preference.
just basically what would happen if you guys had gotten chosen to be in the closet together

-When the bottle lands on you, and then him. He thought he was gonna faint.
-As soon as you both get into the closet, It'll be real awkward.
-Like ten feet apart awkward ;-;
- he didn't know how to make a move.
-You were the first to speak.
-You guys have a small conversation, but as you both grow comfortable, Pony will blurt out that he likes you.
-Mental facepalm.
-You guys shared a kiss.
-It was the start of something.

-He didn't really want to play at first.
-Johnnycake never thought he'd see the day.
-His eyes were wide the whole time as you stood up and started going to the closet.
-He was so nervous that Dally literally had to give him a talk before he went in there.
-Also, you guys liked each other for a while.
-When you're both in there, it'll be awkward for a little.
-And you both were really close to each other, which had you both blushing mad hard.
-When you were talking to him, he would always stutter.
-You thought it was cute.
-Without thinking, you just went in for the kiss.
-He was taken aback, but he kissed anyway.

-Dally was actually really happy. But of course it didn't show.
-It's almost as if he planned it.
-Because as soon as you both got in the closet, he was all over you.
-With your consent, of course.
-Things got heated - shirts off and all.
-Seven minutes were already up.

-Soda is down to play Seven Minutes in Heaven, especially if you were down.
-As soon as the bottle landed on him, he silently prayed that it would land on you.
-He was so happy, that he was already off of the ground and going into the closet.
-Things weren't really awkward between you two.
-It wasn't a big deal. You guys made out.

-he would give the guys a look before going into the closet with you. like that "we're about to get it in" look.
-when you're both in the closet he didn't even give you a chance to speak before he was already kissing on you.
-you didn't mind so likeEee

-two was hella drunk
-he was pretty cocky when y'all were in the closet.
-the alcohol was partially the reason why he had the courage to flirt and win your heart in seconds.
-y'all would share a kiss.
-and then make out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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