4 - skateboarder

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Lily pov

After being invited to stay at the picnic, I agreed and sat down. I recognised her from school, but couldn't place a name.

"You're in my year, aren't you?" I asked, as she handed me a cookie. It was gingerbread, with a face on it.

"Yep. You sit near me in English." She smiled.

"Paige, right? I'm not usually good with names." I said, knowing full well her last name was Summers.

"Yep. And you're Lily Carpenter." She stated, taking a bite out of a chocolate spread sandwich.

"So I am." I smiled as I bit into the cookie. It was actually really nice, and reminded me I hadn't eaten since yesterday.

"Must be nice, people knowing you. Always having friends." Paige mumbled, and I don't know whether I was meant to hear that. Her little brother, I assumed, was fascinated by a butterfly.

"It's not, trust me. They get annoying after a while. Following you around everywhere. It's enough to drive a girl crazy." I said, grinning as I finished the cookie off.

"Then why do you hang around them?" She wondered out loud, her eyebrow arched in confusion.

"Because they won't ever stop following me. I'd much rather have one real friend, than a bunch of fake ones." It was silent for a moment, as she thought it over.

"That got deep fast." I joked, grinning at her. She giggled, and her brother looked over to see us.

"Who's this little lad then?" I asked, smiling at the boy.

"That's my brother, Sam." She said, smiling proudly at him. She was a model big sister.

"Well, hi, Sam." I said, reaching my hand out to shake his. Instead he hi fived me.

"He's a good kid, hey? You skateboard, Sam?" I asked, showing him my board. It was a little trashed, but I could never replace it. It's the board my dad got me.

"No, but I want to!" He said, his little face lighting up in happiness.

"Wanna take a walk after we're finished eating? We could take Sam to the rubble or something?" The rubble was the local kid's park, but it was always beaten up, with chewed seats on the swings and broken bits off the seesaw. But it was a great place to learn how to skateboard, because of the rubbery ground.

"Sure, sounds like fun. What do you think, Sam?" Paige turned to her brother, and he nodded enthusiastically. So I led them down through the park, across a few roads, and to the Rubble. I then started to teach Sam some simple things like balance and riding. He was a fast learner, but then he met a friend from school who had a football, so they disappeared to play for a while.

"How long have you been riding?" Paige nodded towards the board. I shrugged, making it seem like less of a big deal.

"About 4 years. My dad....he taught me. He got me this board." I let my sentence drift off. But then I felt as if an explanation was mandatory.

"My father passed away 3 years ago. I was only 14. It was really hard." I said, tears forming in my eyes. Immediately, I felt Paige wrap her arms around me.

"I lost my mum 2 years ago. I know how it feels." She then wiped the tears away with her thumb, and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I've never told anybody, because I can't trust them." I said, quickly wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket.

"I'm not just anybody. You can talk to me." She said, smiling at me. I gave a small smile back. I then began to show her some of my tricks that i picked up over the years. I don't like to brag, but I've actually gotten pretty good. Paige's jaw kept dropping, and she clapped non stop. I took a bow after, then realised the sky was getting dark.

Sam came back to us, as his friend was leaving. Paige told me she had to go, but I offered to walk them home.

"Sure, thank you." She smiled as she looped her arm through mine. Her brother tried to ride my skateboard, and he wasn't too bad. We continued to talk as I walked her home, but then she turned to me at the door.

"Can we meet up tomorrow? I mean, if you're not busy." She told Sam to go inside, and he gave me my skateboard back before hugging me tightly around the waist. I ruffled his hair, and he ran off inside.

"Sure, I'll be here at 10." And with that, we awkwardly hugged and then she went inside. I walked home, wrapped up in my thoughts.

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