19 - prettiest pumpkin i ever saw

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Lily pov

We had finished our meal, so I took her hand and we left the shop. I called a taxi, and we waited around for it. Once we got in, I gave instructions to the driver. He nodded, and I slipped him the money. Made me feel like a drug dealer, especially since I had Paige in the back. Maybe she could be my hostage. I wouldn't mind that anyday.

Finally the taxi pulled up, and I thanked the driver. I opened the door for Paige and she climbed out. She shivered at the cold as the taxi pulled away.

"Times like these, should have bought a jacket." I winked at her, swiftly removing mine and placing it over her shoulders. With my arms all but wrapped round her, I couldn't help myself but to kiss her nose. She giggled, and then I took her hand, intertwining our fingers. I know that most people disagree on how you hold hands, but hers seemed to fit perfectly in mine.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking around. It had gotten darker, twilight closing in. There were less people, mostly couples walking around. Streetlights were casting orange glows, and lighting up her face. She looked like a pumpkin, but the prettiest pumpkin I ever saw.

"Follow me and I'll show you." I winked, taking off ahead of her. She sighed and followed, and I smiled back at her. We walked down the steps, and my feet hit the sand. She gasped, realising where we were. The beach.

"I never knew the beach was so close!" She said, looking around at all the couples and people walking along the sand.

"Well, I used to come here with...my family." Back when they were a family. My dad used to bring me and Becs here almost every day after school.

I took Paige's hand, pulling her closer to me. I didn't care that quite a few people were around. I didn't care that the salty air was getting colder. I didn't care that it was getting darker, or we could be seen, or that I had forgot to take rubbish out earlier today. In that one moment, with the moon illuminating her beautiful features, her face held in my hands, her eyes sparkling up at mine, there was only her. Her and me. Paige and Lily. And nothing would ever change that. I hoped.

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