13 - want to make it three?

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Lily pov

So that was it. I had just kissed Paige. Well, technically she kissed me. I wasn't so sure, as we both kinda kissed each other. What am I saying? What am I thinking? Oh, that's right. I kissed Paige.

I looked at the clock. 8:03am. Wednessay. School. Moan. I had to find enough strength and will power to heave my ass out of bed and into the shower, which let me tell you, wasn't an easy task. I got out and dressed myself in a pair of denim skinny jeans, a plain white t shirt and my black pumps. I was surprised I didn't end up with socks on my hands and trousers on my head, but you know, I made it. I could tell my mum was in bed, as the door was slightly ajar and I could hear snores from the other side. Yep, she was definitely in there. As for Becs, I don't know where she was. She was hardly ever up on time, so I knocked on her bedroom door. After a few moments, with no reply, I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The room had changed dramatically since I had been in here last. The walls were black, covered in band posters. She had those little glow in the dark stars stuck all over the ceiling from when we put them up there as kids. Her curtains were closed, leaving the room with hardly any light. I went over and opened them. One look at her bed told me she was elsewhere. She was probably already at a friends house or something. I began tidying her room, saving her from doing it. I then went to put a pair of socks in the sock drawer when I came across something. It looked like a jewellery box, from a necklace. I opened it up, curiously, and then nearly dropped it from what I found. The blades from pencil sharpeners, all sizes, all edges, stacked in the box. Some had dried blood on, and some were dull and blunt. I didn't want to know why. I closed the box, and then pocketed it. I didn't want to think about what she was doing, so I decided to ignore it.

I went through the rest of the day not thinking about it. I had hidden the box in my bedroom, at the top of my wardrobe. Instead, I sat in English, thoughts a million miles away, worried about Becs. How long? Why? When? I jumped when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to find Paige smiling down at me. I looked around the room to find it was almost empty, the rest of the students filing out of the door. The teacher was packing his things away, so didn't see us. Not that he'd be bothered.

"Come on, lesson's over. Would you like me to walk you home?" She asked, still smiling politely.

"Erm, sure." I said, knowing that I needed a distraction. She smiled wider, and took my hand as we walked out of the classroom and through the halls. We walked to my house, and then stopped at the door. I know I was supposed to be polite and invite her in, but a part of me didn't want to. I mean I needed to confront my sister on my own. But considering the fact my sister would probably be out until god knows what time, I was torn.

"Won't you come in?" I asked, using my most seductive voice. She laughed, and came closer. Our noses were nearly touching, which sent my heart racing. Just a little further, and our lips would be touching. She smiled at me, probably knowing what I was thinking.

"You know what? Sure. I've got a little time. And anyway, we need to be somewhere private." Okay, so from the way she was looking at me and the way she was biting her lip, she definitely knew what I was thinking. I smirked as I pulled her inside. I closed the front door behind us, and led her up the stairs to my room, pulling her by her school tie.

She sat on my bed, and I sat beside her. "so..." I began awkwardly, wanting her to start.

"I think we need to talk." She said, trying not to blush. She failed, and her cheeks turned a reddish colour.

"About?" I wanted to see her blush deeper, and it worked.

"The kmmm." She mumbled the last word so I didn't hear it. I got closer to her, looking right in her eyes, intimidating her.

"The what?" She blushed bright red, and I couldn't help but smile. She then looked at me, her eyes burning bright.

"The kiss." She said, not breaking eye contact.

"Plural. Two. So it should be kisses. Unless you want to make it three?" I suggested, sticking my tongue out. My tongue almost touched her lip, and she smiled.

"It's up to you." She said, but I could tell what she wanted. I leaned in and our lips touched. I then broke it off, and her eyes were wide with joy and disbelief.

"You should never let me decide." I winked, and she laughed as she leaned back.

"Well maybe, maybe I wanted the same thing." And she turned to look at me with such an adorable expression, I knew what I wanted. In that moment, I wanted her.

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