10 - you must be thirsty

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Paige pov

It was around the time school would have finished, and I was now sprawled across Lily's sofa, stuffing my face with food. She was sat at the end of the sofa, my feet across her lap. We were watching some programme about some whore of a wife and a guy who lost his job, but all I could focus on was the soothing patterns Lily was rubbing into my legs. She seemed entirely focused on the show, but all I could notice was her. How her hair fell down her shoulders and back, how her lips were slightly parted, how her eyes were bright and intelligent as they followed the characters on screen. I was so wrapped up in all these little details that I didn't know when she turned to look at me.

"I know I'm sexy, but do you have to stare?" She winked, and I laughed awkwardly. Busted.

"Sorry." I mumbled apologetically. She laughed, and turned back to the TV. I tried to focus on what was happening, but I found myself thinking of Lily.

After a while, I felt my phone go off, indicating I had a text. Lily smiled, taking her eyes off the screen.

"That your boyfriend?" She popped a crisp into her mouth.

"No. I don't have a boyfriend." I said, nonchalantly. What was that that passed through her eyes? Relief? No, I'm seeing things.

I turned to my phone, to find Dan had sent me a text.

Where are you?

Shit! I totally forgot about Dan when I ditched school. I quickly fumbled around, texting him back.

Lily's house. Sorry. Make up for it tomorrow morning

He said ok, and then I put my phone away in my pocket. By now the programme had finished, and shortly after, Lily's sister walked through the door. She looked pissed off, throwing her bag around, and kicking off her shoes.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Lily asked with a laugh. Her sister gave her the middle finger and then stormed off upstairs.

"Don't worry, she won't leave her room at all tonight." Lily assured me, hopping off the sofa. It suddenly went cold.

"Come back, it's cold." I moaned, holding my hand out to her. She smiled, but then looked towards the kitchen.

"I'm just gonna put some pizza on, and then I'll be back." She then grabbed my hand and dragged me off the sofa and into the kitchen.

"So....why did you get yourself a detention today?" I had been wondering why all afternoon.

"Because I wanted to spend lunch with you. Plus, I couldn't stand another story about who slept with who at what party. They get annoying." She moaned, rolling her eyes.

"Have you ever slept with anyone at a party?" I asked, smiling at her. She went red for a second, but then composed herself.

"Course not. I'm not a whore." She then turned round to put the pizza in the oven.

"It would be alright if you did, I was just asking." She could hear the smile in my voice, as she turned around and punched me lightly on the shoulder.

"Don't start. I know I was just like them at one point, but I've changed now. I haven't had a drink for ages." She seemed to be trying to prove how much she wasn't like one of them.

"You must be thirsty then." I winked, and she laughed at my humour.

"God, you're a funny bugger aren't you?" She poked me in the stomach, walking back into the living room and sitting on the sofa. I followed and sat beside her.

"So... would you have a drink? With me?" I asked, smiling persuasively at her.

"Maybe. Depends. Is it at a party?" She flicked through some channels on the TV, then settled for another drama show.

"Nope. Just you and me, at a sleepover, at my place." I knew it was a long shot, what with Sam and Aunt Helen and Dad, but it was an alright idea.

"How about at mine, and we'll make it a deal." She looked at me, a smile playing on her lips and a gleam in her eye.

"Okay. But when?" I was wondering how quickly we could get hold of a drink.

"Tonight. My mum will be at work, and my sister won't come downstairs." She got up, as if to go somewhere.

"But what about drinks?" I knew she wouldn't be able to buy any at the shops around here.

"Don't worry, I've got that covered." She took me into the kitchen, and opened a cupboard. A load of bottles stared at me.

"Don't worry, they're my mums. I'm not a raging alcoholic. Mum likes to have a nice selection for when guests come for dinner. In which you are one." She smiled as she looked over the bottles.

This was going to be crazy.

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