16 - stood there like a lemon

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Paige pov

It was Friday. Friday was a great day for many reasons, as it was officially the end of the week, my date with Lily, it meant I could stay up late, my date with Lily, Helen would make us cookies, my date with Lily. And oh yeah, one more thing: my date with Lily.

I just had to survive school. Easier said than done, of course.

I walked into Science, first lesson of the morning. My teacher hated me, because I was the smartest in the class, but it was because I was taught by a higher up teacher than herself. So every correct answer I got, she muttered to herself. It was amusing, but nevertheless mean. I sat down, and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. That meant someone had texted me. I knew who that someone was without looking. Instead, as I pulled out my phone, Dan's name ran across the screen. I hadn't really spoken to Dan much. I guess I'd been a terrible friend. However, he had texted me to see if I was alright. I sent him a quick reply before I got my phone confiscated by miss eyes-in-the-side-of-her-head. I handed it over, groaning. She smiled triumphantly, and began to teach the lesson with a little more enthusiasm.

At lunch, there was no sign of Lily. I wondered where she was, before sitting down at our usual table. I began eating my sandwich alone, something I haven't done in the past few weeks. Then I felt hands close around my eyes, and I wondered who my attacker was. Until I felt their breath on my ear as they whispered 'guess who'.

"Santa?" I mumbled as the hands were released and Lily slid into her usual seat.

"Even better." She smirked, taking half of my sandwich like she always did.

"But Santa brings presents." I said, smirking at her. She looked at me in disbelief.

"Take that back!" She sounded hurt, but I knew she was trying not to laugh.

"You haven't given me a single present." I reminded, joking around with her as Dan sat next to us. Lily leaned across to whisper in my ear.

"I'll give you your present tonight, babe." And then she leaned back, smile in place, knowing I would be guessing as to what that present was.

Throughout the afternoon, I kept bumping into Lily, but she didn't stay for long. She always had somewhere to be, and I got sad because she always had to leave. But after school, I walked out to the gates, and there she was. Leaning against the green gate, a red rose in her hand, watching me walk down to her. I wrapped my arms around her, and smiled widely. She then handed me the rose.

"Roses are the second most beautiful thing in the world, so I thought I'd give one to the first." She grinned at me, and I took the rose and hugged her again. We began walking back to my house, and she held my hand the whole way there. I talked, telling her about stupid things like my childhood, and she kept glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. It makes me feel special. The way she looks at me as if I'm valuable.

We got to my door and I felt like I should invite her in.

"you coming inside?" I asked, hand on the handle.

"No thanks. But I'll pick you up at 6. Wear something sexy." She winked before leaning towards me. I placed my hands on her face, about to kiss her, but instead she chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked, hoping she'd hurry up so that we can kiss.

"Nothing. Just being a tease." She said, moving away from me. Nope, I wasn't having that. I dashed forward and pressed my lips to hers.

"Teasing isn't nice, Lillian." I stuck my tongue out, and she laughed.

"6, on the dot." And then she was walking off down the path and the road, leaving me stood there like a lemon.

*authors note*

So wowza, guys! I didn't expect for this to get so many views and stuff. Just a little thing to start off with. Well, they're having their date soon. Should be fun ;) I have some stuff planned, so keep on reading x

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