18 - cinderella

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Paige pov

I sat around, trying not to keep looking out of the window. Aunt Helen knew what I was waiting for, even if she didn't acknowledge it. I knew she knew. Partly because she always gave me a knowing smile every time I mentioned lily's name. She seemed alright with it.

Finally, I was halfway through a programme when there was a knock at the door. I opened it, and found Lily stood there, bouquet of flowers in her arm, that smile on her face.

"Well, hello there." She grinned, handing me the flowers. I smiled, and went to put them in a vase. Aunt Helen came to the door.

"Have her back by midnight." She smiled, as we began walking down the path. As soon as we were out of ear shot, Lily burst out laughing.

"I didn't know you were fucking cinderella!" She got out between laughs.

"No, me and Cinderella are just friends." I winked at her, which made us both burst out laughing.

Soon we had walked to the main high street, with all the shops. First of all she took us towards the fancy restaurant on the corner. I knew that those meals were extremely pricey, as I had once tried to take Sam there for a birthday. I gripped Lily's hand tighter, but we ended up passing the restaurant. And you'll never guess where she took me!


Like really? Of course I went along with it, because she kept smiling like it was all a big joke.

"I thought you know, you'd like to eat something healthy. For what I've got planned." She grinned at me, evilly.

"And what have you got planned for later?" I asked, knowing she would never tell.

"Take a guess." She winked at me, and I could tell we were leaning closer.

"Hmmm....did you get me a present?" I hinted, a smile playing on both our lips.

"Nope. Something much better." By now our noses were nearly touching.

"Tell me." I pleaded, pressing my nose to hers.

"I'll show you." She said, and we hurriedly finished our meals so that I could see what she had planned.

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