11 - something we'll regret

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Lily pov

Paige went into the living room to call her Aunt whilst I dished out the pizza. She came back in, smiling.

"Looks like I have tonight planned out." She said, smiling as she took a seat at the kitchen table. I set a plate of pizza in front of her.

"As do I, now." I smiled, knowing this was going to be fun. Last time I got drunk, I was at a party and ended up hooking up with a football player. Mistakes turn into memories. But I wouldn't mind making a mistake around Paige.

We began talking while eating our dinner. She told me stories about when she was younger, like holidays, relationships, career options. I listened intenly, and then it was my turn to talk. I told her about what I wanted to do in life, my favourite colour, favourite places, what inspires me etc. She listened with wide eyes, awe struck. I never felt so important in all my life. I mean, yeah, I was popular, but that's only because I was rich and pretty. Nobody liked me for me. They liked me for the money, the looks, the popularity. But Paige was different. She didn't care about that. She'd rather hang around with me than go with me to a party. And I loved that.

After we finished our food, I grabbed some bottles and we went up to my room. Becs was in her room, and I could tell she wasn't coming out. Mum worked nights, so wasn't coming back until tomorrow morning. I smiled as I closed my door. Paige sat on my bed, waiting. I opened the lid from a bottle, and poured some into two glasses. Handing her one, I smiled.

"To our new friendship." I raised my glass, and she raised hers.

"To our new friendship." She touched her glass to mine, and then we drank.

About an hour later, we were sat on my bedroom floor, clutching our half full glasses. We'd finished a few bottles, and we were both a little drunk. But hey, at least we weren't in a club!

She leaned over to me, and whispered in my ear.

"Wanna do something we'll regret in the morning?" Her breath smelled like alcohol, and she looked out of it, but I was on red alert. What did she mean?

"Like what?" I asked, before everything started spinning. After a few seconds it stopped, and I could clearly see her face, closer to mine than it was before.

"Like this." She leaned in and planted her lips on mine. For a moment I was totally shocked, before I responded. Somehow, the kiss made me feel higher than anything else.

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