4. The raven and the begining.

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Waking up in the morning was difficult. My head was pounding because of a headache that was not easy to shake away. At least the burning pain on my chest and my wrist finally stopped. But now I finally began to understand my father when he said it never really did stop, because since the moment I woke up, constantly on my mind was the boy with the mesmerizing eyes, who was the reason for the pain.

I wanted to stop thinking about him, even when I forced myself to focus on a specific task, in the back of my mind was his image and the constant questioning thoughts that revolved around that image.

I wonder what his name is, where is he from? Did he see me dance? Is he safe? Is he alright? Does anyone know about his imprint being a man? Was he the one who Minseok hyung referred to as his friend? If so, does Minseok know about us? Will he inform the authorities? I doubt it since he is afraid of the authorities himself for some reason. Then the last thought was one I dreaded I didn't even want to think it but I couldn't help myself. Will I get to see him again?

I shook it off and mentally slapped myself back to reality. I was sitting in class at school in a lesson about the Kimura history. I had on one of my long sleeved school shirts just to hide the obvious X mark that was on my wrist. The one on my chest wasn't was much of a worry when it came to attracting anyone since it was covered by my shirt. It was a problem though when I came to think about it, when imprinting only one mark appears on the partner's skin and it's always located on a similar shape and position as the other person though it can very in size.

But I noticed something else when I met the boy at the bunker... unlike me it seemed like the pain as coming from his neck and not is wrist, but i did see him reach for his chest just about the same time I did. All of it was so confusing, I could be getting it all wrong, we might have both been imprinting on different people. But I didn't cling to that theory since he was looking straight at me and we seemed to be the only two people in the bunker showing signs of discomfort and pain.

"Hoseok!" I heard my friends familiar voice snap me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright, you seem pretty out of it today."

"I'm fine Jaebeom, no need to worry about me." I say to him. That's the second lie I have told. At this rate I could be considered an ultimate sinner against the Kimura and the sanctum.

"I'm not sure I believe you." Jaebeom says and my eyes widen. How did he see right though me? "Don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing you of lying, I've just been looking at your behavior today and I have noticed you have been acting strangely, very focused on something which I am not sure of."

"I am alright." I tell him trying to convince myself as well. "I'm going home now, I will see you again tomorrow." I leave him standing there looking skeptical surely doubting my claim and I head to my house, and through all that, not once did the thought of the boy leave my mind.

Siting with my parents wasn't helpful either, they noticed my silence though out dinner. I know that I like to talk with my parents during dinner but literally the only thing on my mind is the one thing I couldn't talk about. It would shatter my parents, being my father's 'pride and joy' (his words not mine). I think they would be truly devistated if they found out about my imprint.

I went to school that next day feeling tired, I couldn't sleep the whole night, all I could see, think about, dream about was the boy with the doe eyes. The very obvious marks on my body that had shown up since that day being a constant reminder of him. At least I got though the day without Jaebeom 'questioning my actions' as I tried to talk to him here and there, I could tell that he was still feeling off about it all.

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