sad ranting im sorry.

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(A/N: hi guys I'm sorry this is so late dont worry im mad at myself too. But u

I saw the whole situation with the shipping thing. Guys please be respectful to BTS or any other artist you stan or ship coz really it's not ok to push your ships and what not onto them. It's fine if its ff but really not in their faces, they might get upset or offended.

So what I'm trying to say is...until the boys come out and say yeah they have relationships with each other then I ask that please not to assume anything about their sexuality. Remeber that they are human with feelings too please.

This applies to stright assumptions that they are dating too. We honestly have no right to assume anything. May they be straight or gay or whatever, but all we can do is support them with what ever they choose and not pop off.

Here is the sass: even if they are dating in rl, regardless of the gender or sexuality of their partner...what are you gonna do about it?


Their happiness is literally the most important thing to me right now, ship on social media in a form where you know that they will not see it or will not be affected. Place disclaimers too because you have no rights over the artists may it be innocent ff or fanart. 

Sorry this was me ranting.

I'm sad that this weverse thing happened.

For those of us who were sideliners I hope you all agree with me, and do your best to put fans in the right direction and show them that this is not they way.

But besides the bad depressing stuff.

I just want you to remember that you are special and amazing and you deserve everything you work hard for. Fighting with your goals pretties I love you all...


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