12. The fire.

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(A/N: I woke up today with no more dream playing in my head lol idky since I haven't l2 it in such a long time. Anyway here is another update


(Hoseok POV)
After kissing my imprints wishing farewell, we part ways and I head home.

Once at the door, I take in a deep breath of air. Knowing exactly what I am in for.

I open the door. And I look into the house to see my mother and father sitting close to each other, with a look of deep worry on their face.

"Hoseok," my mother sobs as she springs from her seat and wraps her arms around my neck. "Where have you been? I have been trying to contact you all day."

"I'm sorry to have worried you mother." I tell her.

"Hoseok, it's time you finally told us, what has been going on with you. Dare I say that you have been lying to us?"

Well, this can't be prolonged anymore, they are going to find out anyway why not just tell them now? I think I will just run back to Jin's house when they reject me.

"I think you guys should sit down." I tell them. "I am sorry, but yes, I have been lying to you, but with good reason."

"And what could possibly be a good enough reason for you to lie to us?" Father asks.

I stand right in front if them and i slowly unbutton my shirt.

I am not sure why but I was not afraid to show them. To show them that I found the loves of my life. To tell them about what makes my heart ache, break and beat faster all at the same time.

They just sit there gaping at the large and very obvious black marks on my body. The marks that I am nothing but proud of.

"Oh, my." My mother says in a light sob. "There is so many of them."

"And there is still three more missing." I tell them. "So far, all of them are Male."

My father seems to have lost his soul as he slouches further into his seat. And my mother still gapes at me and silence simply fills the room. I simply just pull my shirt back over my shoulders, but wait patiently for the worst.

After what seems like forever, my father gets up from his seat and stands right in front of me. I simply close my eyes and bow my head respectfully.

That's when I feel two large strong arms wrap around my body. And my eyes spring open. What? Well this is unexpected.

Close to my side is my mother, with tears spilling down her face as she takes my hand in hers.

"My son." Father says with sadness in his voice. "Truly I have failed you as a father. I am sorry that you felt the need to hide this from us."

"W-what A-ah n-no." I say still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation. "You are the best father in the world."

"It must have been very painful for you to feel that we would not support you due to the law of the Kimura." He says.

"I-I just didn't want to disappoint you father." I tell him. "I know you said I was your greatest pride."

"As you still are my son." He says. "You always will be."

I just hug my parents and ball my eyes out. Tears that I didn't know I had the capability of shedding ran down my face like an unstoppable river as my heart welled with relief and joy.

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