15. The Plan

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As a young boy, I have always marveled at the Kimura guard. To me, they were truly the symbols of honour, bravery and loyalty. I knew exactly what I needed to become when I grew up and that is one of them.

My body's frame was small, some would say that I am very timid and some people might call me short, but I knew I was strong and more than capable to be able to be selected as one of them. Unlike any other duty, to become a guard one must enlist as a trainee at the age of sixteen. So I did just that. Every day proved to be a challenge, I kept training hard, working to be the very best, until I finally became the highest rank of my trainees.

So one day when the guard received a mission, I didn't feel out of place to ask the captain to Join in.

"You are still a trainee Park, tomorrow is the graduation ceremony." The captain says. "You can't come with us."

"Forgive me for speaking out of turn captain, but I am the highest ranking trainee. Gaining one day of experience in the field will improve my chances to be placed in duty of the guard." I say. "I don't see my life being anything else than a guard."

The captain considers my words and after a moment he presses the communicator on his arm. "Private Wang, come to my office."

"Roger sir." The voice says.

"I will give you this chance Park." He says. "You'd better not let me down."

"Captain you called for me?" The young handsome private says as he enters through the door."

"Wang, I am putting this trainee under your watch." The captain says. "He will be coming with us to the mission we have been given."

"Yes sir." The private says.

"Park, I will give orders to Wang and Wang will give orders to you. You got that?" He asks.

"Yes sir." I say sternly.

"We leave in five minutes." He says bursting out of the office.


"First time in the field ha?" Wang says as we drive off toward the mission.

"Yes it is." I say.

"I heard you were the highest ranking trainee." He says. "Dont worry, just stick with me kid everything will be fine."

"All right gentlemen, listen up!" The captain says. "This is a strictly a need to know operation, there is a suspect who has broken the law, they are deemed to be quite dangerous but we need to bring them in alive, so I will give you all tasering guns, use them only if necessary. "Sing, Lee, you along with Wang and Park will take my flank, let's make sure we do this quickly."

We stop right outside one of the houses in the mid city sanctum. And the captain takes the lead toward the house. He burst the door open with his foot and holds up his taser gun. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" He yells into the house. We all swarm into the door and we see an injured man on the floor. "Get him!" The captain says.

Sing, Wang and I simply charge out of the house, after the suspect. That's when I spot him running far in front of us. He is fast. As he jumps onto the roofs of the houses we follow him. We lose Sing, and Wang and I jump from roof to roof following the suspect. Wang makes a jump and accidentally twists his ankle. "Dont let him out our your sight Park!" Wang says. I simply nodd and I finally catch up to him. He jumps down into an ally and it seems that I have him trapped.

I tell him to surrender I can see that we have quite a distance between us. If my taser gun is to hit him head on, I need to get closer. That's when my heart begins beating nervously. I take a step further. That's when the side of my thigh begins to sting. Ahh.

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