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( A/N: this is a filler chapter...Even more angst yaaay, this time I added a lot of fluff though like it's sad fluff but its fluffy none the less and yes if you are not used to the amount of skinship they share by now Idk really but it's only going to get worse...in a good way.)

Question for the day: what is ur fave BTS song?

Mine is Singilarity coz I'm a sucker for Kim Taetaes deep sensual voice lol.

Enjoy the chapter.

-Faithful 🥰🥰
Morning comes and I wake up with an uncertain feeling, pure happiness which can be found in my arms, and it comes in the embodiment that is Park Jimin and the thought that I will see my imprints for the whole day. And pure sadness, because, I am not sure what will happen with Namjoon. I did feel that something was off but I chose not to think about it too much.

In my heart all I can do is wish that he chooses us. Though it may be selfish, I want him to be with us. But because his happiness matters more to me than anything else, if being with Donghai is what makes him happy than I wont fight against it either.

To be very honest, I think the only way I can describe it is by saying my heart has been divided into six equal pieces. All of them vital to my living and yet one of them is missing.

Even if he doesn't choose us, we will live right?

In me something argues that I am completely and utterly wrong. And I know that it's true. Just the thought of living without any of my imprints breaks me up over and over to a point where I feel like there is nothing left.

I need all of them.

Each and every one. I love them, truly I do. It's been more than half a year already, since I found them and my life has quite LITERALLY, Never been more brighter.

"Good morning hobi." Jimin says fluttering his eyes open with a small smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes Mochi," I say kissing his hair. "I slept very well."

"I guess I am feeling a bit hungry." He says. "Shall we take a shower and go and meet the others?"

I nodd in excitement knowing that I will be with them soon. After we got dressed in our suits we made our way to Jungkook and Taehyung's room and basically just a second after knocking we are tackled to the floor by Taehyung and he rapidly kisses our faces.

"Morning!" He says in loud excitement a boxy-smile appearing on his face.

"Hey Taehyungie." I say almost breathless feeling his weight over my body.

"Taetae please dont kill them." I hear Jungkook say pulling Taehyung off us.

Jungkook stands there shirtless, the pants of his suit chining loosely to his waistline every part of his body finely toned and the black marks on his body makes him look even sexier. Oh my. He pulls me into his body and softly kisses me cheek, oh? Oh.

"Hey babe." He says his voice a little raspy as he just woke from sleep. I feel the heat rush to my face and my stomach fill with butterflies.

Oh shit, I think I have a cruch on Jungkook.

"I'm going to take a shower." He says. "I will meet you at the food court, yeah?"

"Alright, we are going to get Jin and Yoongi right now, Taehyung are you finished?" Jimin asks pinching his Taehyung's cheeks.

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