33. River

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My sun.

My light, he is dying, hung up in the room blood coming out from the side of his body spilling to the floor. He is so frail, so bruised and hurt. My own pain is nothing compared to seeing him like that. The rest of my imprints and Namjoon's friends hold off the Kimura -    who are basically hissing though their teeth trying to get their hands on my sun - while Jungkook and I make our way over to Hoseoks passed out state in the center of the room and begging to try and unhook him from the chains holding him up.

Tears come out my eyes as I feel my emotions over take me. Jungkook managers to hoist Hosoeks body up and get him from the chains, the skin on his arms is basically purple and blue, he looks so sickly, the colour draining from his almost lifeless form.

"I-is he - is he still alive?" Jungkook struggkrs saying while taking off his shirt and securing it over Hoseoks bleeding wound. I put my arm over his wrist in an attempt to feel his pulse, is small and slow but it's still there.

"Yes," I say looking at Jungkook, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "Get the rest, we need to try and heal him."

(Third person pov)
Jungkook doesn't hesitate as he gets up and goes over to get his other imprints.

"Go! We will hold them off!" Kenya says as he pushes off the Kimura shooting it with a lazer gun in the sholder, making the beast hiss loudly and snarl.

The five imprints make their way to Yoongi and Hoseok who were on the floor in the center of the room. The Kimura began to scream sending a loud screech through the room. The imprints all crouched down in a hurry and looked toward their wounded imprints.

"What can we do, we cant heal him here." Jimin says.

"We can try, remeber the glowing thing,?" Jin says. "Why dont we try and use that again, maybe it will heal us all."

The imprints all agree with Jin's plan and hold out their hands to touch Hoseoks brused arm. Once again, after a small moment, they close their eyes, and try their best to channel all the love in their hearts toward Hoseok, he then begins to glow again, each mark on his body glowing different amazing colors illuminating his body, as the seconds pass, the glow only brightens.

"Its working." Yoongi croaks. He looks to the side of his body and sees that his own wound is healing miraculously as if it were magic. Hoseoks wound heals as well and the young man starts to stir from his sleep as he feels the pain lift from his body only to be replaced with energy and life. He begins to open his eye, and his view settling on the six angelic figures that have pulled him from the darkness.

"Oh thank god! It worked!" Namjoon says looking down at the glowing sun.

"Don't stop," Hoseok manages to croke out. "I'm feeling better already." 

The imprints hold on tighter to the lights body doing what ever they can to channel their energy to him. Soon enough Hoseok is able to sit up on his own as he watches the mayhem around him. Their friends keep off the Kimura but really it seems everytime they blast one of the Kimura's limbs off with the lazer gun they just regenerate.

Hoseok's emotions change feeling uplifted and confident and so much love radiating from his Imprints. He gets up on his feet and dusts his hands off.

"Hobi where are you going?" Jungkook asks while holding on to his hand. Over Hoseoks wrist glows the large X with a bright red color as Hoseok feels the warmth of Jungkook's palm in his own.

"I'm going to finish this," He says. "I'm going to end this once and for all."

He gives a reassuring smile to him imprints and turns on his heels.

With his body filled with energy and confidence radiating off his skin Hoseok makes his way to the fight watch his friends hold the Kimura back.

"Hoseok, stay away!" Alexa yells. "They are dangerous go back to the center of the room!"

Hoseok sighs and takes one last look at him imprints, they all know that this has to happen or there will never be an end. They have confidence in their imprint and their love so letting Hoseok go, made them feel pride instead of sadness.

"Let me, take care of it." He sighs. He looks over at the Kimura and watches as his friends lower their guns.

Instantly the seven demons scream and claw their way to the light. They tackle him and Hosoek crouches down feeling their nails and teeth bite into his skin.

They engulf him with their bodies and all Hoseok can feel is pain and darkness.

But the boy is stronger than that.

The love he has for his imprints is stronger than that.

He tries to concentrate, to focus on the love he feels in his heart. The energy that they gave him corsing through his veins. His mind clears and all he can see in the dark are his imprints smiling faces as he remembers every moment he spent with them.

The darkness around him begins to shift and change. Filling with a burning color and illumination, the light within his body escaping through the Mark's on his skin.

He feels it all, the heat on his body fills the space around him and he begins to feel electricity through his whole body.

With all his strength and might, he let's out all the energy he can.

This sends out a strong wave of energy and bright light. The Kimura begin to deteriorate, with loud screams their bodies begin to turn to ash.

Everyone in the room had to shield their eyes from the blinding light. Until finally. Silence  filled the room.

Hoseok's body was drained at this point all he could see was falling ash and a soft light as he falls yet again to the ground.

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