7. Healing the Panther.

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Jongdae paces up and down the room as Minseoks frantically watches him, worry filling his eyes. Sitting without movement in my spot, I'm still slowly comforting my two imprints who have now begun to calm down as the pain of imprinting began to subside.

"This can't be possible," Jongdae days seeming like he is talking more to himself than he is to us. "If this is what I think it is then, our lives, everything will change forever."

"What do you mean?" Minseok asks him.

"I am not sure about it I only heard rumours in the Kimura palace about it." He says.

"You have been to the Kimura palace?" I ask him.

"Yes, his duty is to serve Kimura in the kitchen as one of the chefs assistants." Minseok says. "But Bebe, what do you know about this?" He asks Jongdae.

"Its all just rumors, I thought it was just gossip between the castle servents." He mumbles to himself again. "Obviously not."

"Jongdae, babe," Minseok says walking over to the boy only to pull him into the single sofa beside the one where Jungkook was lying and pull Jongdae into his lap as he slowly strokes his back. "Start from the beginning, what are these rumors you have heard?"

"Well," he begins after a slow intake of air. "There is talk about a power that might one day be able to over throw the Kimura and set the people free from his dictative rule." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Minseok asks him.

"Well it's all just rumors and gossip that goes around I never thought that it might actually be true."

"So what does that so called 'power ' have anything to do with their situation?" Minseok asks.

"The power is said to be of imprints with more than just one paring." He says sighing into Minseok's chest. "That's all I know."

"I still dont understand how we could possibly overthrow the Kimura, we are still young and we haven't reached eighteen yet, it's just the three of us."

"I don't know that's what I heard, it might not even be true, the only person I know who might know more about this is another one of my colleagues in the castle, who works as a chef." Jongday says. "He was the one to pass the rumor to me."

"Well we have to meet him and ask him about it." Minseok says.

"We can't, not until we get Yoongi checked in at a hospital, he got beat up pretty badly I just want to make sure he is okay."

"Its a good thing yours and his marks are hidden well or we might get in trouble at the hospital. I just assumed that there are three of you and there are three marks, yours hoseok must be the one that is on your chests."

He is right, Jungkook is the X mark, and Yoongi the arrows, the triangles must belong to me.

"I know an old school friend of mine who works at the hospital that we can trust." Minsoek says. "Let's just wait for them to finish imprinting.

After a while Jungkook begins to flutter his eyes. Open. Oh finally. He sits up and scans his surroundings and I simply kneel down in front of him. "You okay?"

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