17. The broken city

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(A/N: I just like seeing all of my viewers and I hope each and everyone of you are enjoying the story. I am also writing this story for my self as well. At this point you know by now that this is a day to day process, so I am also excited to see what happens next 😂😂

This next chapter has scenes of violence though


I have not looked that much into imprinting, because I always thought that I would be one of the people who would never find an imprint. And here I have not only one but five imprints. What I do find odd is the random placing of our marks, my imprints seem to find it odd as well, it seems to be a phenomenon that we just cannot understand, well, along with our unique imprinting as well.

In my life I have always found a way to understand how and why things work, what I cant seem to understand is why we are imprints. Usually this would frustrate me, but I find a certain indescribable peace when I think about it. Even though there is no rhyme or reason for our imprinting, I am happy that it happened, because I am not alone anymore.

If I were to tell the heart felt honest truth, I know that I love them, with every breath I take, I love them, more than anything.

The six of us have been taking refugee within the mountain for the past nine days, the ridge is very long, it seems to be endless. We have moved our way further and further away from the sanctum, by now the guards must have begun a search for us, if they have not made the conclusion that we left into the outlands by ourselves. Where I am sure they think we have long perished.

We have moved our ground, until one afternoon, we spot something that shocks us, but also doesn't much come as a surprise, a baren city. There is no life in sight. The streets are filled with old broken cars and the buildings that are so long they seem to touch the sky, seem to be old and broken. The tar rode beneath our shoes is scattered with broken glass.

The most disturbing thing we see as we walk through the city is a human skeleton, it's head detached from its body on the floor. The last time anyone have lived here, must have been three hundred years ago after The Water War, which must have been when this guy was last seen alive.

We head for what seems to be the city center, that's when my instincts tell me that we should find some place to hide.

"Stay close." I tell my imprints. "We dont know what might be in the city. We have to find someplace to rest for the night."

We run a bit further into the city, only to find another empty building it is smaller and looks sturdier than , it reminds me of one of the buildings that are in the outskirts of the sanctum, but more broken down covered in different paint markings that I have never seen.

"We will be safe here for the night." I say as we settle for a small apartment in the building. "I have a feeling there is something out there in the city."

"Do you think it's something dangerous?" Jin asks.

"I am not sure, it's just a gut feeling, but my intuition had never proven to be wrong." I say.

"Will it be safe for us to keep moving in the morning?" Jungkook asks.

"I think so, if we move quickly and keep our heads low, I think we will be fine." I tell them.

"Uhg, more running?" Taehyung moans as he slouches into the old sofa in the middle of the room. "When will it end?"

"I am afraid we wont ever stop running." Jin says. "As long as we are wanted by the Kimura, and we haven't found our last imprint, all we can do is keep running."

"Its been nine days already," Yoongi sighs. "We haven't even come across this resistance."

"We just have to keep our hopes up." Hoseok says intertwining their fingers. "We have come too far to give up now."

Jungkook and I take it upon ourselves to take turns at keeping watch, this is out usual routine every night since we left the sanctum as we allow the others to sleep. Out of all of us Jungkook has proven to be a very protective person, he is brave and courageous, and he has proven to be a worthy sparing partner when it comes to fighting though he has little experience, he has found no problem keeping up with me.

They are all special in their own ways. Hoseok is always one to raise our spirits, the one to give us hope when we need it the most. His lovely smile simply lights up the whole room, and just by being next to him, any fear or anxiety you might have will evaporate instantly. Taehyung, is very creative, he is very imaginative, and smart, he can see things that no one else can, he seems to have the ability to make things work out, when they prove to be difficult. Yoongi, is tough, what I thought to be just a way to keep people out and away from him before proved to be different, he takes every challenge that seem to come his way head on. It is difficult for him to completely show his emotions but when he eventually does it is a true gift to behold. Jin is very protective as well, he takes care of us when we are hurt or sad, he takes it apon himself to make sure that each of us are happy during these tough times. All of them give me something I have not had in a very long time, something that I have forgotten that I needed. A family.

Morning comes and the sun shines brightly into the apartment windows. Once we are ready we prepare ourselves to head further into the city at a steady pace. There isn't a single sound coming from within the city which makes my gut feeling stronger, warning me to be on the look out for anything that might cause us any harm.

We make It to the one place in the city where there is no building's, it seems to be like, it used to be a park once very long ago, now it is very empty except for the broken metal playground in the center.

"Something doesn't feel right." I say looking around us. This place really feels off, why are my instincts telling me that someone had been following us.

That's when I feel a sharp cold object painfully sticks in the back of my neck. When I quickly pull it out I look at it and see that it is a tranquilizer. Before I can even react the rest of my imprints are also hit with tranquilizers that's when I start feeling my head getting heavy as I faint to the ground.

(A/N: a short chapter and a cliff hanger I know I'm sorry forgive me I am going to write the next chapter first thing tomorrow morning I promise.)

Have a beautiful day my lovelies.
-Faithful 🥰

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