Chapter One: What Year Is It?

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Authors note: This chapter is only a back story. If you don't care for this character's past, skip to chapter 2

The first few chapters are really dry but I promise it'll get better :)
"Number Seven!" He shouted.

I stood up and exited the room. My siblings wide eyed, scared for my life. I remember being in their position. My older siblings being called to testing, and never returning. I never saw the first five again. Could something bad have happened? No matter. I had to show my other siblings it would be alright. I had to be brave for them. I was the oldest among them, even if I was only eleven.

Papa brought me to a secluded room. I was used to being secluded, but this time, I was terrified. Over the past six years on this very day, one of us would be picked to do a major test of our abilities. Most of us wouldn't return.

Papa placed a year in front of me. 1963. He spread our pictures of this time period. Did he want me to jump back that far? Was it even possible? The most I had ever jumped back was a week, and I could only jump forward a day using all my power.

"Papa I..."

He slammed his hands on the table to shut me up. I was shaking now. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it.

But I had to. He would severely punish me and my siblings if I didn't try. My older sibling, number six refused to do the test. Still to this day, he is in confinement. He doesn't get the privileges the others have anymore. Is living in misery worth the risk of death?

"Seven. I need you to find this Man and kill him," Papa demanded as he slid a picture in front of me.


"Yes Seven. He's a danger to society. You're doing the right thing. Just slip some rat poison into one of his drinks. It's a simple task that I know you'll be able to handle." Papa instructed. "I know you have it in you. Do this for me, child."

The men put the wired helmet on my head. I closed my eyes and started counting down from one hundred. I visualized the pictures from the time period. I felt a sharp pain in my head, telling me to stop, but I kept counting. By this time, I was screaming the numbers while blood flooded from my nose.

Then, the pain stopped. I opened my eyes and I wasn't in the room anymore. I was surrounded by trees.

I walked for what felt like ages until I finally came across civilization. I entered a small diner and noticed all the bright colors. It was a happy place. A young woman came up to me and smiled.

"Where's your parents little girl? You look lost. And what is that silly outfit you've got on?"

"What year is it?" I asked. A flash of confusion erupted in her face.

"Well it's 1963! Why? Is something wrong?"

Yes! Yes I did it! Now I can return to Papa and he will reward me. I am the first to complete the biggest task without dying.

I ran out of the diner and back into the woods. I closed my eyes and began counting down. I pictured the present.

My eyes shot open. I was still in the same place.

No. No!

I tried again.

And again.


It wasn't working. But I had to get back! I started feeling light headed. The day was fading, and so was my vision. I felt faint. A small twig pricked me as I fell to the ground and began loosing consciousness.

Seven- Billy Hargrove Fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now