Chapter Twenty-Three: Patience

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"But it doesn't make any sense," I told the group after I recovered from my minor mental breakdown. "Eleven wanted me to stop the apocalypse, right? I can't be the cause of the apocalypse because I wasn't pregnant, or even around in that timeline."

"That's right!" Dustin agreed. "Nicole, maybe your baby is how we save the world! The Mind Flayer was obviously trying to trick us."

"But my baby isn't due until another four months! The Mind Flayer is doing everything it can to come back and kill all of us before then. There's no way she'll be born in time, and even if she is, she'll still be a defenseless newborn baby." I reasoned.

"Aw shit you're right." Dustin replied.

"Yeah, I've been right a lot lately." I boasted.

"So all we gotta do is keep Nicole alive and safe for four months until the baby is born and hope for the best.... shouldn't be too hard," Robin stated sarcastically.

"What if Nicole jumps to the future?" Steve suggested.

I scoffed. "What good will that do if I am not here to help you when the Mind Flayer returns and I just end up where everyone is already dead? And how many times do I have to tell you, I am not time traveling with this baby!"

"Okay, okay, my bad." Steve apologized.

"So then, what do we do?" Max asked.

"Well," Dustin started. "I have this thought. What if the baby has powers? Maybe we could get her to grow faster!"

"Okay dipshit and how do you suppose we go about telling a fetus to miraculously grow so that it can be born in order to save the world?" Steve questioned with sarcasm.

"I'm not quite sure yet but there have been tons of scientific studies that show that unborn babies listen to their parents. Or maybe we could get eleven to do something..."

Billy scoffed and moved closer to my stomach. "Alright little fetus baby girl, mommy and daddy need you to be born soon so that we can save the world from mass destruction." He said jokingly. "Guess it didn't work." He told the crew, unsurprised.

"Okay so we gotta wait for four months. Hopefully the Mind Flayer doesn't come before that." Mike sighed.

"And if it does?" Will asked.

"We have to try our best to defeat it." He replied.

"You mean Eleven is going to try her best to defeat it." Billy said. The crew looked over at El who looked really nervous.

"Guys dont worry, if anything goes wrong, I will just time travel back." I assured them.

"Okay but what if you can't jump with the baby? And what if you die? Surely the Mind Flayer is going to target you and your miracle baby first." Lucas stated.

"What if you time travel back in time now and get pregnant sooner?" Will suggested.

"Oh geeze. It's not that simple." I stated. "And what if the Mind Flayer has no concept of time, and just remembers everything that happens? He'll come for me sooner."

"So literally all we can do is wait and prepare." Mike stated.

"Exactly... for now anyway," I stated. "I'm sure we can come up with a better plan soon."

They all looked at me with sad eyes. I tried to stay positive but I was scared too. It wasn't fair that a bunch of kids had to fight against evil and save the world.

"Let's get some rest and discuss more in the morning," I suggested. They all nodded and went their separate ways.

Billy and I sat in silence for a bit in his car. Max was asleep in the backseat. It wasn't often he didn't blare his music. His right hand moved from the steering wheel to my thigh, caressing it softly. I put my hand on top of his and sighed.

"I don't know what's going to become of us," I said softly. "All I wanted was a family. A true family. And when I finally got that, it's all going to vanish."

"Hey," Billy replied. "You're right, you do have a family. Every single person in that house tonight loves and cares for you. Whatever happens, just know that we would do anything for each other; for you and for that baby. If we die, we die together."

I sighed and gripped his hand. "I know... I'm just disappointed that I won't get to live that stereotypical white picket fence life with you. I never even thought about motherhood until now."

"Nicole, even if our baby doesn't make it, I'm sure that little fetus knows your love for her. She's got smart parents... well, a smart mom, anyway." He chuckled.

We pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the car. Billy walked around to my side and he pulled me in close. "Try not to stress out about everything," he whispered. "It's not good for you or the baby." He kissed me gently before it was interrupted by the sound of his car door opening and a groan.

"Ew," Max said, disgusted. "No public display of affection in front of me please." Billy and I laughed and started making out just to spite her. "Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!" She screamed as she ran into the house.

We laughed again and for a moment I had forgotten all of the events we had ahead of us. For a moment I felt like a normal girl who had the love of her life standing in front of her. I wanted to keep him in front of me forever. But that moment in time soon died as the memories of what is to come came flooding back into my brain like a dam had broken.

I stared into his beautiful blue eyes in sorrow. I could feel his love for me, and I hoped he could feel mine for him. I fell into his arms as tears streamed down my face. He hugged me and coaxed me.

"I'm surprised you're not sick of my crying," I joked.

"Oh don't get me wrong," he said, "I hate seeing you cry." I looked up and my eyes met his once more. "But I could never get sick of you." He finished.

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