Chapter 9

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Kaitlin's POV

"Kaitlin, wake up!" I hear someone say. I try to open my eyes but it feels impossible. Someone puts it's thumb on my cheek and rubs it softly. I manage to open my eyes after what felt like eternity. Cameron kisses my forehead and sits back in his seat.

"We're about to land." He speaks. The seatbelt sign turns on and the captain starts speaking. I barely listen to what he's saying cause my heart is pounding so loudly in my head. Have i mentioned i hate taking the plane? I don't like going up and down. It's a weird feeling and it's the same as roller coasters.

Cameron holds my hand in his. "Everything is going to be okay." He speaks lightly. My heartbeat slows down a bit. His words just make me feel better.

When the plane landed, we took our carry-on and took our suitcase that were on a huge carpet.

We made our way to the rental car place and took our car keys. As we walked in the airport parking lot, Cameron held my hand. In his other hand he had his big teddy bear and his suitcase. I think it's kind of cute.

We arrived at a black SUV and put everything in the trunk. We all got in and i was beside Nash and Will. Will and I have been getting really close. When I mean close i mean brother and sister close not boyfriend girlfriend close. That would be just really weird and wrong.

It must have been 30 minutes into the car ride, Cameron was talking to Hayes and i think he was having fun cause he haven't stop laughing. Will and I have been talking but Nash has been silent. Out of no where, I feel someone take my hand and place their fingers between mine. I look at my hand and then at Nash. He looked at my blue/green eyes and with his sparkling blue ones. I don't know if I should do something. My conscience told me to break the touch but my hands didn't want to move. I decided to keep holding his hands. Nothing wrong is there, it's just Nash.

After a good 50 minute ride, we arrive at a house. It seemed familiar. I look at it and it was one of my oldest friends' house. Why were we here? The car stops and everybody gets out. I run to the door and ring three times. A familiar face opens the door.

"Lucas!" I scream as I jump into his arms. He hugs me tight and spins me around. He puts me down and and look back at Cameron. His jaw is clenched and his fists make his knuckles turn white.

I signal him that everything is okay and he calms down. I take his hand and intertwine our fingers together. "Lucas, this is Cameron, my boyfriend. Cameron, this Lucas, one of my best friends." Lucas holds out his hand for Cameron but Cameron just looks at Lucas up and down. I signal once again at Cameron that everything is okay.

"Heyy! I'm Nash" he speaks breaking the awkward silence. Nash takes Lucas' hand that was still hanging from before. Lucas welcomes us inside but I wait till Elizabeth gets to the entrance of the house.

"Why are we here?" I question her. She looks at me with a smile. "It's just a stop. Lucas's mom was the one who called me to inform us of the funeral. And I had already met her and we get along very well but we will only be here for 15 minutes or so." She answers before stepping foot into the house. I follow her not far behind.

Since I live in Montreal, most people speak french, but Lucas speaks fluent French. Cameron finally worm up to Lucas and they seem to enjoy theirselves.

"Kids! Let's go!"Elizabeth screams from downstairs. We were in Lucas' room. I used sleep here sometimes when I would get into a fight with my mom or when I just wanted to see him. I missed Lucas. We weren't a couple, but used to act like one.

We made our way downstairs. Elizabeth was already ready to go. She had her sweater on, since it was chilly outside. I put my sweater on then my boots and gave a long hug to Lucas. I kissed his cheek and walked off his patio.

We arrived at a big house. It was huge and it said rented. I'm guessing we're staying here. Since I lived in a small town in the suburbs, I knew practically every corner street of it. This house was one of the biggest and it was so beautiful. On this street, there was a park and there is some people i know that live on it. We unloaded the SUV and loaded the house. We are going to stay here for a weak. Elie wanted me to show my hometown at the Grier's.

I chose the room with a bathroom. Nash and I were staying in the same room because Elie didn't want Cameron and I sleeping in the same one.

It was now 4:37 and I didn't know what to do. So I texted Chloe, one of my friends that wasn't a bitch. She told me there's a party tonight and I should go.

"Nash?" I said in a questioning tone. "Yeah?" he answered looking up from his phone. "Do you wanna go at a party tonight?" His eyes widened and made his way to my bed. "We can't! We're nit 21!" I started laughing.

"In Canada, it's 18! Not 21! And so what?! We'll just say we're going in town and meeting some of my old friends and if Elizabeth asks if there is going to be alcohol then you just say no." I simply say.

I tell Cameron our plan of going in town and going to a party and he accepts. "So what time our we leaving?" Cameron asks excited. "Leaving for what?" Will asks coming into Nash and I's room. We look at him for a minute searching for a lie. Nash is about to speak but I trust Will. He wouldn't tell a secret.

"A party" I say waiting for his reaction. A smile creeps on his face. He walks to Nash's bed. "You shouldn't drink to-" i cut him off " i don't care if we're underage." "You didn't let me finish, you shouldn't drink tonight because tomorrow it's your mother's funeral" i think about it for a minute. I stay quiet.

"I don't want to sound selfish, I just want to move on. It's been almost 3 weeks since her death and I don't want to stay in this dark place. Thanks to you guys I can now see the light. I just want to live my life." I sigh now a tear begging to fall out my eye. It slowly goes down my face and Cameron brushes it off carefully with his thumb.

"Okay, well, um, do you need a lift?" Will asks standing up. We all look at eachother and nod. He walks out the door and closes it.

It was now 8:46 and the party already started about a half hour ago. I didn't want to be the first one there so we decided to leave at 8:50. I was wearing some leggings and a shirt. I didn't want to dress up.

We got into the car and I told Will the directions. We arrived at the house and we could see teenagers dancing threw the window and could hear the loud music. I thank Will for the lift and made my way to the door.

Cameron took my hand in his "I'll be with you, the whole time okay?" I look up at him and nod. "My personal body guard, i like that" i laugh. I look at the door. I take a deep breath and open the door.

A/N heyy!

Sorry for not posting like everyday! I'm trying to but I'm like really lazy😂

I hope you lie this chapter! Plz vote and comment what you think.

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