Chapter 1

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(This isn't part of the story... I just wanted to let you know this is my first and I might have some mistakes!! But please leave some comments about the story, what you think about it, some ideas... Thank you)

Kaitlin's POV

It's been a week. My mom died a week ago. She died from a car accident. She crossed one red light and it was the end for her. I had to find out at school by the police and my principal and I didn't even have someone to come home to. I don't have a dad. Well at least not anymore. He died when I was 12 years old. Drowning.

Right now, I'm in the plane from Montreal to California. 6 hours. Yeah! *sarcasm* When my mom died I had to live with someone. Turns out my mom had planed everything in case. When my parents would die, I would go live with her best friend Elizabeth. I only met her once, and she visited alone, but my mom would fly often to California. Apparently, she has three boys and one little girl.

Today is the first day I haven't cried about losing my mom. And I don't plan on it. I guess I have so much on my mind. I've been trying to be strong and not crying, but it's really hard.

Thinking about it, I didn't really say goodbye to my friends. I don't even know if I want to call them my friends. They didn't even bother visiting me after I found out about my lost.

When the plane landed, everybody started getting up and I guess that's what took me out of my deep thoughts.

I walked out of the planed and I had my lawyer with me. She's kind of a family friend so I felt kind of safe. She took me through security, walked me to my luggage and then out of the airport.

We took a cab to Elizabeth's house. It was silent. When arrived at the house, I have to admit, it was nice. It was really big. I saw a basketball court and it had a beach volleyball court in the back. So I'm probably never going to be bored.

I ring the door bell and not 1 minute later, a tall brunette lady opens the door. I'm guessing it's Elizabeth.

"Hi Kaitlin, I'm Elizabeth! Welcome to your new home." She says with a big smile. Clearly she had been rehearsing.

"Hi." I say the nicest way possible. After bringing all my luggage in, I say bye to Anne, my lawyer, and then Elizabeth walked me to my room. It was a 2 story high house. But it was still very big. My room was on the second floor and her's on the 1st.

"This is your room. You have a window, your own walking closet and your bathroom. I'm sorry but you're going to have to share your bathroom. Is that okay?" She is making the best she can to make me feel at home. "Yeah! Thank you" I say looking around. My room is really big. I have my own TV. Pretty cool! But I wonder with who I'm sharing the bathroom.

"Do you want to visit the rest of the house?" She asked after a minute or so. "That would be good if I want to find my way to the food" I joked. Even though I was in big pain, I still kept sliding in jokes. I guess it's a part of me.

She showed me the second room, which included the rooms of all the kids, bathrooms and a TV room. Then she finished by the 1st floor, which had the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room. It also had a recording studio.

"You play music?" I ask. "No, well I play guitar and the piano, but I don't sing"

We are interrupted by an opening door. Elizabeth and I walk into the living room to find 4 people. 3 guys and 1 cute little girl.

The tallest had blond hair. He looked older then me. Like in College and he must be Will.

The middle one, Nash, had beautiful blue eyes, brown hair lifted in the air perfectly, and he looked hot. He looks around my age and a bit taller than me, probably 5'10.

The smallest one, (not that small, around 5'9, like me) also had blue eyes and brown hair but his was swept to the side. His name is Hayes. Hayes Grier.

And last but not least, the little blond girl. She was around 5 and she is so adorable! Her name is Skylynn.

"Hey guys!" Elizabeth says getting their attention. "This is Kaitlin" the guys get up and hugg me.

"Where are you from?" Will asked starting a conversation. "Montreal. It's in Canada." "Yeah I know! I've always wanted to go there, but every time mom would go I would have a football game" I started laughing.

We have been talking for a while now and I am starting to warm up to them. I've learned a lit of things about them.

"Are you the girl that lost her mom so you're going to stay with us?" Skylynn asks. Everyone stops and looks at me.

I try to hold it in but it's just to hard. I'm still not ready to talk about it.

"Um, yeah" I run upstairs into my room and I sit on the ground against my bed. I try not to cry but a tear manages to fall from my eye.

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice so I look up and see Nash. "Yeah." I say in a week voice. He sits down beside me and apologizes. I tell him it's okay but he still seems worried.

Nash POV

"Are you the girl that list her mom so you're going to stay with us" Skylynn asks Kaitlin.

I feel so bad for her. My mom told me about everything, her mom, her dad, everything.

"Um, yeah" Kaitlin runs upstairs up to her room. "I'll go talk to her" Will says getting up but I get up before him and go. I walk to her room, which is beside mine, and see her sitting down beside her bed. She looks so sad it hurts me.

I don't know why but I kind of like her. She is so strong. She is funny, brave and she is gorgeous. She isn't fat but she isn't skinny like all the other girls. She is perfect.

I have been standing here for a while now so I decide to go in.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Dum question. Of course she isn't. She just lost her mom and she had to leave everything behind. "Yeah" she hides her true feelings throwing on a brave face. I know it's not the truth, but I don't want to see her cry.

I could see a couple of tears falling from her eyes so I wipe them off. I apologizes for what Skylynn said and sit next to her.

"So, how was your life in Montreal?" I ask her. Was that not good to ask? Will it bring bad memories? Questions start going through my mind.

(A/N that's it for the first chapter. Tell me what you think. I know it talks about different things and it can be confusing but it's the first chapter. Please vote and tell me what you think!)

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