The truth

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Nash's POV

I am presently asking myself if I should stop the FBW and tell Kaitlin I love her. Wait what? Did I say LOVE? No. I don't. It's just a crush. The phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts. I take it and say hello.

"Hey Nash" that familiar voice speaks. I shiver as I think about her? What did I do? What the hell did I put myself into?

"What's up?" I ask her coldly.

"What time you coming over? Or should I come over" she asks.

"No. Not tonight. I'm done with this shit and I want you to forget about it." I tell her. I can sense that she is speechless.

"What? What do you mean? We're stopping this?" She asks. I don't reply because I know she knows the answer.

"This isn't over. I always get what I want and be ready. Kaitlin is going to hate you after I tell her if we stop." She scowls.

"I already told her. And she didn't care because she has Lucas. And this time you won't get what you want. Don't talk to me or Kaitlin." I say angrily.

"Just give it a week Nash, no one can resist me." Funny.

"Sorry to break it to you, but a lot of people can resist you. You're just a side hoe so get over yourself." And with that I hang up.

She makes me so angry sometimes. I put the phone back in it's place and fall back down in my bed. The door of my bathroom opens and I see Kaitlin.

"Hey! Come in" I say happier. She looks down and walks to my bed.

"Nash, we need to talk." She says not bothering to look at me. I stiffen up and sit up straight on my bed.

"Why were you with Annabelle?" She asks. I can tell that she is jealous and it makes me kind of happy?

"I, um," is all I manage to say. She looks up from her hands and into my eyes.

"Seriously Nash. Why would you have sex with her?"

"BECAUSE! Because" I calm myself down a little.

"Because what? You were bored? Because you like her? Oh my gosh, that's it. You like her, don't you." I could tell she was getting sad. Her voice was breaking.

"No-" "then why?" I looked down to my hands then back at her. "I did that because I wanted to make you jealous." She looked up into my eyes. Confusion was spread all over her face.

"Why, why would you want to make me jealous?" She asked. I stared at her. Not in a creepy way, but I just stared admiring her perfect blue-greenish eyes.

"Because I have feelings for you." I spoke quietly. It was really hard for me to say that.

"I don't know if it's love but all I know is that you're the first thing I think about every morning and the last every night. You're the reason i go to sleep and wake up. All i do is to hopefully get your attention. I like spending time with you. You bring something in me that no one else does. I like spending every minute with you even if we're arguing because I know that in that little moment you actually care a little bit."

At this point I was out of breath. She looked at me. I couldn't make out her feelings.

"Nash, I, we- We can't be together. We live together. We- It would never work between us." She said. Fuck. This is just great. I pour my feelings on her and she just rejects me. There was a part of me that believed she felt something too but I was wrong.

"But- We don't even know. We'll never know until we try" i spoke.

"But it doesn't matter because I'm with Lucas. I just got him back from my old life and I don't want to lose him." she got up and started walking towards the bathroom door.

Before she could get away, I grabbed her forearm and spun her around. I carefully pushed her against the wall and pressed my lips against hers. It felt so good.

At first she didn't kiss back but finally gave in. We kissed for probably a long time, but for me, it wasn't long enough. I wanted more of her lips on mine.

"Tell me that it didn't mean anything." She looked down. "It didn't mean anything" she didn't dare to look into my eyes.

"Look into my eyes and say it. Mean it." I said closing the gap between our bodies. "I can't. Because if I look into your eyes then I won't be able to say it."

"Please tell me that it meant nothing or come to me" i wanted her so bad to be mine. she sighed and looked into my eyes. I didn't even realize the tears that had fell down her beautiful face.

"It meant nothing" I couldn't believe it. She said it. I walked away. I grabbed my keys, my phone and my jacket and stormed out of the house.

"Nash!" I heard her scream but I didn't look back. I just kept running until I couldn't hear her anymore. I walked for what seemed to be 30 minutes. I knew my hometown pretty good, but I didn't know this area. It was dirty. The sun was now setting down and there was little light left.

I took out my phone to see where I was. I had some messages from Kaitlin, Will and Hayes asking where I was and telling me they were worried.

I looked up from my phone and saw a guy. He look strangely familiar. He was wearing a black jacket with black pants but I couldn't see clearly due to the night sky.

He walked away and I was wondering who he was and where he was going. Of course, curiosity took over me, and I followed him.

I followed him until he got into a car with someone. I hid behind some trash cans that by the way, they smelt horribly. The boy took something out of the hand of the other man and gave him money in return. Drugs? The boy got out of the car and that's when I recognized him. Lucas.

I decided on heading back home. It took me a long time to find my way back but 45 minutes later I was home. I opened the door and saw Kaitlin asleep on the couch. The TV was open and the lights were on. I carefully closed the TV. I gently took her in my arms. Her head fell on my chest. I could feel her breathing slowly against me.

I brought her up the stairs and placed her in her bed. I kissed her on the head and pulled the covers over her body. I closed the lights and her door and walked back downstairs.

I looked at the time and it read 11:37. I guess I was out longer than I thought. I grabbed a cookie out of the jar and poured myself some milk. I sat down and just ate calmly until I was interrupted by Will.

"Hey! Care to tell me why you left and made Kaitlin cry?" He asks me leaning against the counter with his forearms.

"She cried?" He simply nodded. "Oh, um nothing"

"Dude just tell me" he said taking a cookie.

"I told her I had feelings for her, we kissed and she said it meant nothing to her so I got mad and left." I shrugged.

"You told her?" He asked. "Do you not listen when I talk?" I raised my voice annoyed.

"Dude, chill the fuck down." I laughed at how stupid I reacted. "Sorry, I just had a long day."

"Why? To exhausted after your little- how should I call this? - make out session with Cameron's side hoe?" I laughed at his remark. It didn't bother me that he knew, i mean, i would've eventually find out.

"Nah! That's easy shit man!" He laughed and left the room. "You should get some sleep man" he said before leaving to his room.

I put my dish in the sink and went to bed. I honestly didn't know what to do with my weekend.



Anyways! Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!

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