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Kaitlin's POV

I woke up this morning with an arm around me. I turned around to face Cameron. He had his eyes closed and his breath was steady. I examined his face like I do pretty much every day. He is just perfect.

Cameron and I have been in a relationship for a month today and he said he had this whole surprised planed out. We act like best friends, but very close ones. We have a very strong relation, at least that's what I think. Nash and I get along but he has been acting weird with Cameron and I. Sky (Skylynn) thinks Nash likes me but he told me he didn't. Will and I are best buds. We talk about everything together. We mess around. We started playing this game around the house where Will and I are on the same team and Nash and Hayes are together and we play games like tag, hide & seek... Stuff like that. Beth is now my best friend. We're always together, unless I'm with Cameron. Cameron and Beth get along very well. To well tbh. It's weird bc sometimes they act like they're a couple and it makes me jealous, but I usually shrug it off.
"Morning beautiful" Cameron spoke with his sexy morning voice dragging me out of my thoughts. I smiled as he placed a kiss on my nose. "Happy 1 month anniversary beautiful" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. Good ones. Yes, I still get those after a month.

"Thank you, to you too handsome!" I kissed his sweet lips. He brushed my lip with his tongue, asking for entrance, but as a tease, I didn't let him. I pulled away and walked out to the kitchen.

Cameron POV

It's been a month today. A month since Kaitlin and I are an item. But I don't think it will last. I'm falling for another girl. Bethany. Her best friend. Beth and I have been getting close and we really like each other. 2 days ago we had a conversation that changed so much in my head.


I was at Bethany's house since we are now really close. Kaitlin was with Nash and Will so I asked Bethany if she wanted to do something. We ordered Chinese food. We were talking about stuff, random stuff, until we started talking about relationships.
"So, um, it's almost your 1 month anniversary with Kaitlin." Beth spoke. I looked up from my plate and placed my eyes on hers. "Um, yeah, I guess" i said slowly.

"I guess? What do you mean by "I guess" Cameron?" She asked putting her plate down beside her bed showing full attention.
"Um, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if I still have the same feelings as I did before." I said staring at my food not wanting to make eye contact with her.

"What do you mean? Do you like anybody else?" She asked getting closer to me. I looked at her hand that now touched mine. Electricity went flying threw my arm and then through my whole body. i laid my eyes on hers. Her green eyes were so beautiful.

"Um, what's up with all the question? Huh? I'll tell you the truth if you tell me who you like." I waited for a response. "Look, um, i really don't want things to get weird after this, okay?" She said with a shaky voice. "They won't" i promised. "I love you Cameron. Since fourth grade." She says her voice getting higher but shakier. She didn't make eye contact with me.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. She loved me. "I love you too." Within seconds, I pressed my lips against hers. She didn't kiss back at first, but gave in. Her hands went threw my hair and she pulled it lightly causing me to moan.
We pulled away after a good five minute make out session. I looked at her confused on why she stopped.
"I don't think we should do this." I looked at her and at her shirt that was now on the flour. "Kaitlin is my best friend. i don't think I can do this to her. It's not fair for her." She spoke the truth. It wasn't right. Anything. Kissing her best friend. Doing this behind her back. Telling her best friend that I love her. But what I didn't understand is that it made sense being with Bethany. "Ii didn't mean anything." I looked at her. "Really?" I asked looked at her straight in the eyes. "No, it meant a lot, but we can't do anything." "I'm going to break up with her."


"Thank you, to you too handsome!" She kissed my lips. I brushed her lip with my tongue, asking for entrance, but as a tease, she didn't let me. She pulled away. I slowly opened my eyes to see
No one beside me. I got up and walked out of her room, to find Nash.

"Hey bro! What's up" i asked trying to make conversation. Nash has strangely been avoiding me these past few days.

"Nothing much. You?" He asked answering. "Kaitlin" I say on a passive tone. "Kaitlin? Don't you mean Bethany?" He said and walked to his room closing his door behind him. I heard the lock on it. What did he mean by Bethany? Oh no.

I walked back into Kaitlin's room and into her bathroom. I knocked on the door that led to Nash's room. He opened the door and looked at me. He didn't say a word. He walked back to his bed and sat down. I followed him in.

"What do you mean by Bethany?" I asked with my voice a little raised. "You know exactly what I mean." He said standing up. "No, I don't. So talk." I harshly said. "YOU CHEATING ON KAITLIN WITH BETHANY. I SAW YOU TOO KISSING AT HER HOUSE THE OTHER DAY. AND WHEN I LOOKED THREW THE WINDOW IT LOOKED LIKE A MAKE OUT SESSION CAMERON. HOW DARE YOU." He screamed at me. I didn't say anything. All the fresh memory was playing again in my head. Her soft skin, her words, her kiss...

"You what?" A shaky voice asked from behind me. I turned around to find Kaitlin. Her eyes were watery, but no tears fell. "I-I can explain." I said walking to her. "Don't. I don't want to hear it Cameron. We're done. Now get out." She said strongly. What? Is she really breaking up? "But I-" "I SAID, get out" she said lowering her voice at the end. She led me to the door and opened it. I looked at her. Her eyes showed betrayal. I walk pass her grabbing my bag that I had left there the night before, and walked outside.

"Cameron?" I turned to face her. "Go. Be with Beth." Her shaking voice said. "Why would I" She looked down to her hands. "Cameron, what I've learned about love is sacrifice." She took my hands in hers and a tear fell down her cheek. "I love you Cameron, and i think I have since the first moment we locked eyes, and it is going to suck, but if what you want is for me to let go so you can be with Bethany, then I'm going to do it. Be happy Cameron. I want that with all my heart." She kissed my hands and walked back inside locking the door behind her. I could hear her cry against the door, but it began to fade away.

I walked to my car and drove off. Where to? I don't know. Wherever my heart will take me.

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