Chapter 10-

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Kaitlin's POV

I look at the door. I take a deep breath and open the door. I see people dancing and singing to the music. The music blasted threw my ears. People were already drunk. A lot of people showed up so we were all close.

I made my way to the kitchen making sure Cameron was still with me. I grabbed myself a beer and gave one to Cameron. I took another for Nash but couldn't find him.

We decided to look for him so we left the kitchen and found him doing shots in another room. He took 5 one shot and he looked drunk. A girl with blonde hair walked up to him and started getting close. A little but to close if I can add. She started kissing his neck and made her way to his mouth. They started kissing. To be honest i was jealous. I felt a little bit angry but why should I? I'm dating Cameron.

I decided to ignore Nash and just enjoy my night. Before I even knew it, I had already finished my beer.

"Wanna dance?" Cameron asked taking my hand. I looked at our hands and nodded. I grinned and made my way to the dance floor. We started dancing, not twerking or that type of shit (sorry for the language) we just danced like normal teenagers.
Cameron and I danced for a good 15 minutes before walking back into the kitchen. People smiled at me knowing who I was but it wasn't real smiles. It was those pity smile. I just shrugged it off. Cameron and I were having so much fun just laughing.

"Well well well, look who I found!" Arielle said walking in the kitchen. I turned around to face her, waiting for her insult. Arielle was the kind of girl everybody wanted to be friends with but i hated her. Wait, hate is the wrong word, i despite her. She is like a royal bitch.

"So, did you come back because you missed your mommy? Or because no one liked you in NC?" She asks getting everybody's attention. The DJ even stopped the music so everyone was listening. I felt stares.

"Actually, she came back for her mother's funeral and let me tell you that a lot of people like her. Especially me." Cameron responds defending me. Arielle looked at him and her face light up. A huge smile appeared on her face.

"OMG! You're Cameron Dallas!" She squeals. Cameron smiles a little. "And what brings you to my house?" She asked unbuttoning two buttons from her top. We could see everything. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm here to help my girlfriend go threw this hard time she is facing in her life." Cameron says holding my hand and kissing me on the cheek. I blushed and looked at Arielle who seemed pissed.

"You don't have to feel sorry for her. She can take care of herself." She states. "I know she can take care of herself. She is strong. But sometimes you just need someone to help you get threw difficult time. And anyways, I'm not her boyfriend because I pity her, I'm her boyfriend because every time I'm around her I get butterflies in my stomach." It's now my turn to get butterflies. I turn around and kiss him quickly and smile. I look back at Arielle who is rolling her eyes.

"That's right, keep rolling your eyes. Maybe one day you'll find a brain back there. Bitch" I say. Everybody in the room started laughing and shouting "Ohhh" or "Burrnnnmm!"

Arielle looked at me in a very angry way. She looked possessed. "You know what? You claim you're a bad bitch yet you have no family, no job and no money... You're not a bad bitch. You're doing bad bitch." She spilled.

Instead of letting the comment pass, I reacted. This was it.
I was about to say something but she continued. "No one likes you. Maybe there's a reason why everybody leaves you. Maybe it's because your such an annoying little bitch with no money or maybe you're just a fat bitch."

Tears threatened to pour but they didn't. "You're right, maybe there is a reason why people leave. And maybe it's because she is strong enough and-" i cut Cameron off. "Arielle just stop it. Drop the act. You're embarrassing yourself. Look," i take a deep breath before continuing. "People do leave. And it's not easy. Whether you like it or not, life goes on. You can either stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been, or move on and take a chance in the unknown. I don't know a lot of things, but I know I want to move on from my pain. Like when you backstabbed me. And I also know that you call me a bitch one more time, i'll show you what a real one is." I took a pause letting her time to take it all in. She looked at me then at everybody else who were listening.

"I think we should go, tomorrow is my mother's funeral and I don't want to look dead. Especially since we're at a funeral. So maybe one day I'll see you around but this is goodbye." I walked towards the front door and took Nash with me and Cameron. We walked outside and called Will. I told him to pick us up at Tim Horton's, it's so good!

We walked to Tim's and Will arrived 5 minutes after.


What did you think of the chapter? Please comment what you think!!

The next chapter is going to be the funeral so make sure to have some tissues id you're soft😂 haha

I always cry when we talk about funerals so..

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Xxx love you guys so much! I'm almost up to 100 reads and I'm really excited!

Anyways.. Will be posting probably later today:)

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