The Date

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Lucas's POV

"No Kaitlin! We're doing this." I told her holding her down to the bed.

What am I doing? Why tf am i rude with her. I got off of her before she said anything else. "I-I am sorry. I don't know what got over me. I-I just got caught up with the-" "it's okay" she cut me sitting down on my bed. We stayed in silence for a while before she got the courage to break it.

"What about that date you planned?" It was nothing fancy. I just combined everything she liked. "Oh yes. If you want we can start the date now" she looked at me and smiled. "If it's not a problem" i smiled and took her hand.

Kaitlin's POV

He smiled and took my hand. He led me to the kitchen. He handed me a bowl with folded pieces of paper in it.

"Pick one" i did as told. I read out loud call a restaurant to order something. I looked at Lucas who was holding a phone in his hand.

"You know I hate ordering! I always laugh!" I whined. He laughed and handed me another bowl. I picked a paper and read a phone number. "Call it" he said. I dialled the number and it rang.

"Hello, Pizza Hut mays I take your order?" A lady on the line asked politely.

"Um yes you can. Uhhhh, can I have." I took a long pause thinking of what I could order. "Can I have..." Lucas was laughing so hard. He took the phone from me and put it on speaker.

"Can I have a pepperoni and cheese pizza with fries please?" I asked controlling my laughter. "Okay. What size?" I looked at Lucas. "Extra Large please" i looked at him in the eyes with a smirk. "Okay! Anything else?"

"Um, how about you make that 2 pizzas?" I was going to have some fun with Lucas. He was laughing hard. "Okay! That will be __.__$" I thanked her and hung up. Lucas was on the floor laughing.

"What?!" I asked putting the phone down. "Nothing! You just use this really high pitch voice when you talk on the phone" he laughed. I couldn't help and laughed as well.

"What's next?" I asked. He handed me the bowl again. "Every time you complete one you do the next one until there is none left and then the date is over" he explained.

I picked a piece and read prank call someone. He knew I didn't like talking on the phone. But I knew he was doing this to make us laugh.

He gave me a blue bowl. I chose a piece of paper and it read tell them you are pregnant. I picked up the phone and dialled a random number.


"Hi, it's me"

"Hey Jasmine? how's everything?" The woman on the other side of the phone asked.

"I don't know how to tell you this. Um, I'm pregnant." I heard her mom curse. "Jasmine what the f**k! You're 14 years old! How can you have a child with Drake? I knew I couldn't let you in the same room as a guy." Her mother went off. I was trying so bad to keep my laughter to myself. On the other hand, Lucas was on the floor, tears running down his face as he laughed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was such a bad deal. I mean I lost my virginity a couple years ago so it's not like it happened the first time I did it!" I could hear her mom curse words.

"YOU WHAT?!! NO YOU ARE NOT GETTING A CHILD. I'm such a bad mom." She started crying. I felt bad doing this.

"Mam, I'm sorry but this is a prank. You have just been caught." The mom was relieved. I hung up saying goodbye.

The bight went on and on and I had a lot of fun. We baked cookies, called a couple more people, played board games... We were now watching Netflix eating the cookies we made.

"Thank you" i whispered. He turned his head towards me. "Anything for you." He kissed my forehead. I smiled and placed my head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe. I looked at the time. 11:46.

"Shit. I have to go. I have school tomorrow" i said getting up. Before exiting the door he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his chest.

"How about a second date?" I kissed his lips. "That would be great! see ya around." I crossed the road to the Grier's.

The lights were off. I tried opening the door but it was locked. I couldn't just ring or knock it would make to much noise and wake up everybody. I looked for my keys but couldn't find them. I took out my phone to text Nash, Hayes or Will, but my phone was dead. Great.

I walked to the side of the house to see Nash's window. I whisper screamed his name, but no answer. I took a small rock and threw it at his window. I did that a couple times but nothing. No response.

I walked to the back to see the trampoline. I decided on sleeping there for the night. I jumped on it and laid down. I surprisingly quickly fell asleep.

Nash's POV

I heard noise at my window. I shrugged it off but things went threw my head. What if someone is in trouble? What if it's Kaitlin? I got up and looked at the window to see nothing. But then I saw a silhouette walk to the back of the house. Oh shit. Is it a robber? Is it Kaitlin? I walked to her room to find it empty.

I walked down stairs and looked out the back window. I saw something on the trampoline. I decided on investigating. I opened the back door and walked to the bouncing toy. I saw Kaitlin laying there asleep. I didn't want to wake her up. I took her in my arms and brought her inside.

I laid her in her own bed and gently put the covers over her body. I walked back to my room with the thought that Kaitlin was home and safe.


Heyy! It's me Catherine!

Please tell me what you think! And who Kaitlin should end up with. Some of you might be surprised!

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

Also! 3 chapters in less then 24 hours!

Catherine xoxo✌️

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