Kick Back and Chill

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A few days later you sit on set after having your makeup done. You sit on a comfy couch where there aren't too many people, enjoying the quiet. Well, the semi quiet.

Dylan and Thomas are doing a scene over and over again, trying to get enough footage. You hold your magize close to youe face to prevent yourself from staring at Tom. Thomas. Whatever.

Your attempts are weak though and every time you hear his voice you peer over your magazine. You have clear vision of him. He's caught you looking twice. Once during the scene, the other while on cut, in which he took the liberty of winking at you and you quickly went back to your magazine to hide your blushing face. You feel like youre fourteen years old when you're around him. How does he do this to you?

"CUT!" Mr. Ball says and he walks over to Dylan and starts speaking to him.

You look to your right and find Sarah talking excitedly to Shea. Sarah looks in your direction, more like directly at you and meets your eyes. She smiles, quickly walks over, sits down on the couch next to you and whispers, "You have a crush on Thomas!"

"I know." You say nodding.

"You two would look so cute together." She gushes.

"Thanks." You blush and try to busy yourself with your magazine.

The scene starts up again.

Sarah sits quietly looking at you for a minute.

"So are you going to ask him out?" She says in a barely audible whisper.

You look at her sharply, "No!"

"Why not?" She pouts.

"Because he's Thomas Sangster and I'm just Iris the extra."

"Iris the beautiful extra who would make Thomas look even better than he already does!"

"Get out of here. We're not supposed to talk during filming anyway." You shove her lightly on the shoulder and she gets up off the couch shaking her head at you.

You bury your nose back into your magazine and smile a bit. Another cut comes from Mr. Ball, "Alright, take a quick break. Get some water, take a leak, whatever. Be back in ten."

The crowd of people disperses and chatter fills the air. They move and bustle about laughing a tripping over themselves. Mostly boys in the crowd. Not that you mind or anything. You go back to your magazine, momentarily forgetting Thomas. But then someone collapses into the couch next to you. You jump and jerk your head to the right, where you find the one and only Thomas Sangster reclining next to you.

"My gosh, you scared the jebeebers out of me!" You whack him in the arm with your magazine a few times before he quickly stands up, "Whoa, ow, ow, ow, ow! Bloody crazy woman! What's that thing made of? Iron?" He stumbles backwards into a stool and doesn't fall down but he stubs his toe and he exclaims, "Sh*t!"

You hear yourself intake a breath. And you quickly look back to your magazine.

You feel his eyes on you, "What?"

"Nothing." You say quickly.

Thomas rolls his eyes, "You don't go, 'Huehhhh' for nothing. Come on! What'd I do? Did I split my trousers?" He glances at his back end and you try to hide a smirk.

"No you didn''s just...."

He falls into the couch next to you, his arm pressing against yours, craning his neck, his nose inches from your cheek, you feel his warm breath on your face, "Yyyyeh?" He asks raising his eyebrows, trying to be amusing.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now