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You're not really sure how he got your number but he did all the same. He called at least every other day, and if it was a day you weren't needed at the studio he was sure to call you then. Either on break or after rehearsal or whenever he wanted to pretty much.

You didn't mind though. He was still just as adorable and hilarious on the phone as he was in person. He talked about random things. Dogs, family, Dylan and Ki-Hong....just whatever he could talk about so you wouldn't have to hang up the phone.

Sometimes during breaks you would hear Dylan say things in the background like, "Awwww, look! Tom is talking to his pretty little girlfriend again." Then you'd hear Ki laugh and Thomas would say, "Hang on just a bloody second." Then you'd say, "Don't kill him too much, he's my friend too!" In the background you'd hear Dylan yell, "Ow!"

Hearing them joke around while killing each other was the best though.


"NO, NO, MY GOOD SIR, GO TALK TO YOUR LADY IN WAITING, SHE DOTH NOT WISH FOR YOU TO BRING DEATH UPON ME AND MY KIN!" Dylans voice would get hilariously high pitched and you'd be laughing while you lay on your bed folding clothes.

You'd hear a crash and laughter from all three guys before Ki would get on the phone to do a crappy British accent, "Hello, this is Thomas! I talk funny and I say trousers instead of pants and-"

That would be Thomas tackling Ki and snatching the phone back, "You still there?"

You'd laugh, "Yeah. You seriously think I would hang up on that?"

You could hear his smile, "Nah, probably not."

Then Mr. Ball would yell, "Breaks over, come on!"

Thomas would quietly groan and say, "Right. I have to go."

You'd smile, "Okay. Bye."

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" He'd say.


Then the line would go down and you'd sigh.

What had you been doing again?

- - - -

You're laying on your bed organizing some of your things. Sunglasses, necklaces, brackets, nail polish, other stuff. Your phone rings, the guitar solo ringtone chimes and a picture of you and Thomas pops on your screen.

You smile as you pick up the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello flower! What are you doing?"

" I am organizing some of my accessories...."


"Yeah. You know, little details that make you look good."

"Do explain."

You grin as you hang up a scarf, "Accessories, you know..... Like sunglasses, hats, braclets, gloves....other things. They make a good outfit look better and a bad outfit look good. Little things are important to an outfit."

He's quiet for a minute, " could compare an outfit to a relationship?"

You blink, "Well, yeah. I guess."


You hear a door open and a voice speaking in the background.

Thomas groans, "Really?" He sighs, "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"I have to go." He says into the phone.

"I figured."

"Okay....I'll call you later."

"Alright. Bye."

- - - -

Oh, boy did he call later.

Like, four o'clock in the morning later.

You groan into the phone, "Tom, I swear if this isn't important, I'm going to kill you."

You hear his smile, "You sound so cute when you just wake up."

"Tom!" You say loudly.

"Okay, okay. Mrs, Grumpytrousers. Yes, this is very important."

"Well, what is it?" You ask sitting up.

"Go outside and look at the moon!" He says like an excited four year old.

"Oh my gosh. You did not call me at four in the morning to tell me to look at the moon."

"Go look at the moon." He repeats.

"Why?" You ask stubbornly.

"Just do it."

"Ugh!" You roll out of bed and walk over to your window.

You throw open your curtains are are greeted by yellow light.

It's huge.

And yellow.

And beautiful.

"Whoa." You whisper.

You can hear Toms smug grin, "See?"

"It's gorgeous."

He didn't say anything, but you know he's smiling.

"Why are you showing me this?" You ask him, full of wonder.

"I'm accessoriesing us." He says it quietly.

You blink a few times as you stare out at the moon. You kind of feel like crying. But you don't. You bite your lip and you smile and you try your very hardest not to squeal.

"I think I like accessories on us." You quietly say into the phone.

He softly says back, "I must agree."


Okay, guys-



- MK

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