More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun

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Would you look at that.

It's not raining.

And it's your day off.

Since when did weather decide to be nice to you?


Your phone buzzes and you pick it up. At this point you are always extremely disappointed if you get a text from anyone who isn't Tom. If your Mom texts you you're still disappointed. If your sister texts you, you're still disappointed.

And so disappointment strikes again. It's from Dylan.

You click on the text:


You roll your eyes and smile:

You are a terrible human being.

Dylan replys a minute later:

Ah, yes. I know. You know what else i know? Thomas is going to want to spend the entire day with you because he's madly in love with you. So I suggest coming up with something before he does. I also suggest that you invite me and Ki and Will becasue we'll find out where you are and follow you there anyway.

Ah, you've got to love Dylan, eh?

You'd done a few things with the guys and Will before, but not as much because Will hung out a lot with "the guys". Apparently, he felt a little uncomfortable around girls, which always made you laugh when you thought about it.

You laugh: Lol, okay. How about the zoo?

Dylan: Sounds awesome. Shall I tell Thomas Brodie or shall you tell him?

You: I'll tell him.

Dylan: I thought you'd say that. ;)

You smile and dial Thomas' number. You hadn't meant to memorize his number.... It just sort of happened. Probably because either you called I'm or he called you about once a day. Last months phone bill had been pretty crazy.

Thomas answers the phone, " Iris! I have the shuck day off!" He quotes Maze Runner speech.

"I know. Dylan told me." You say.

"He did? Gosh. I hate him."

You roll your eyes and your mouth twiches upwards, "No you don't."

He sighs, "You're right I don't. But I can still say I do and it'll make me feel better."

You hear a loud bang in the background, then Kis' voice yell, "ZOO DAY!!!! IRIS SAID SO!"

"Ki says you planned a zoo day?"

"Yup I did."

"You want to go to the zoo?"

"Yeah. There are more monkeys than a barrel of fun!"

Thomas pauses, "Isnt it 'more fun than a barrel of monkeys?"

"Not when I say it. Monkeys aren't fun, they're mean and violent."

You hear Tom chuckle, "Okay. Should we meet there?"

"Not nessicary. Your hotel is on the way to the zoo. I can pick you all up." You say.

"In your Volkswagen beetle?"

"I said I could pick you up. Not that it would be roomy."

"Okay then. When will you get here?"

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