Thanks Willa

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(Eighth grade)

You brush in the back door, Willa right on your heels.

"Hi, Mom. We're going to my room." You say.

"Uh, wha-, wait! Where's Vanessa?" She asks.

"Couldn't come." You answer quickly.

You walk down the hall and onto your room. Closing the door behind you and leaning against it, taking a good deep breath, "My gosh. She's so annoying, asking questions all the time!"

Willa shrugs, sitting down in a chair, "I think it's kind of nice. Your Mom actually cares enough to ask you. If my Mom asked us questions, Magan wouldn't have lost her virginity at sixteen."

"Okay, wow. Now is a great time to stop talking. Believe me. Your slutty older sister has told me pleanty about her 'going arounds'." You say, walking over to your radio.

"Megan is not a slut!" Willa defends.

You shrug, choosing an Owl City CD, "Whatever."

Willa starts rifling through your drawers and holds up a shirt, "Do you wear this?"

You look up as you plug the CD in, "Yes."

Willa hums, "Vanessa would look better in this."

You look up, offended, "Gee, thanks."

Willa continues, "Even I would look better in this than you."

"Again, thank you for those inspirational words." You say, pressing play.

"Like, I dont mean that offensively. I just think at first glance you're not very pretty. Like, you have to look close to tell you're pretty." She says, trying to fix the situation.

And failing dramatically.

You try to make it less offensive by joking, "So, when you look at me close i'm pretty, but at first i'm drop dead ugly?"

She laughs, "Well, no. I mean, like, I was just surprised tonight when Luke told you he thought you were his prettiest friend. And that a lot of other people thought you were really pretty."

Oh, so that is what this is about.

Willa continues, "Like and he said you were Piper McLean pretty. It just....I dunno it's surprised me."

You shrug, "I dont care about being pretty."

Willa puts on a look of annoyance, "But you should! All the popular girls in high school are pretty!"

You cringe, "Yeah, and they're all class A jerks. So I dont care to be pretty."

"Not of they're in the nice populer girl cliche." Willa argues, Everyone already thinks youre pretty, and nice, and talented. You practically have a reserved from row seat with the popular girls."

"I dont care." You sing.

Willa mutters, "I mean, i'm in high school, i'm a loser and Vanessa is only mildly popular. You have to accept that people are going to be looking up to you."

"I dont want them to." You say, "And you're NOT a loser."

Willa sighs, dropping the subject, "I like the pink hair by the way. And the haircut. It's fun."

You smile, touching your bubblegum pink hair that's just below your jaw, "Thanks, Willa."


So I have two more scenes of Before Thomas and it's a wrap.

Love you guys!



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