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Thomas POV:

Step one.

How to get her parents phone number.

And then work up the courage to ask her Dad....

Darn it.

This is going to be hard.

Her bedroom door opens.

"How are you feeling this morning?" I ask.

"Much better, thank you. A little excited really." Iris smiles with her lips. She usually smiles with her lips. Unless she's laughing. When she laughs the biggest smile you've ever seen plays on her features. But if she just smiles it looks innocent and shy and even a little mischevious. Especially if she's looking at you sideways.

I grin and furrow my eyebrows, "Why are you excited?"

"Because I get to eat stuff and actually be able to TASTE it today!" She yells before she runs to the kitchen.

I chuckle. That girls eats a lot. If she wasn't so althetic, hiking and doing yoga all the time, she's probably be fat. But I'd still love her anyway.

My phone buzzes next to me. I pick it up and unlock it, to reveal a text from Dylan.

D: How's she doing?

T: Fine. You can come over. She's raiding the fridge right now. Better hurry, before she eats all the good stuff.

D: Good point. Ki and I will be over in 5 minutes.

I smile and throw my phone on the couch.

"Iris! Dylan and Ki are coming over!" I call into the kitchen.

"Right now?"

"Yep." I say popping the P. My ususal habit.

She clicks her tounge, "Should probably change out of these shorts then."

She walks through the living room to get to her bedroom. She's wearing Winne the Pooh pajama shorts and a big T-shirt.

"You look fine." I wave her off.

"I'm wearing pajamas." She says furrowing her eyebrows.


"Oh, you just don't want me to change into longer pants." She says glaring at me.

I chuckle and shoot her a mischevious grin, "Let's face it, babe, you've got bloody sexy legs."

She rolls her eyes and tries to hide the smile tugging at her lips, "Shut it, Sangster."

"You love me!" I call as she walks into her room and closes the door.

I chuckle. Gosh, I love that woman.

She comes out a minute later in camo skinny jeans and a brown environmental T-shirt. She's such a nerd. I love it.

"Feel better now?" I smirk.

She nods, "Yes. Yes, I do."

"You're so cute!" I blurt out.

She pauses, not sure what to do, then she bats her eyelashes, "Thanks, Thomas!"

The door bell rings.

"Come in!" I call.

I hear the front door open and Dylan call, "The party can start now!"

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