It's All Good

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Thomas' POV:

"Seriously guys?" Thomas says glancing over their shoulders at the messages.

"What?" Ki asks innocently, "We're just texting Iris! You do it allllll the time."

Ki and Dylan share a humorous glace and their shoulders shake as they try not to giggle like the little girls they are.

"The both of you belong in a bloody mental house." Thomas says rolling his eyes.

"Iris," Dylan takes the liberty of talking with he types, "You might as well know now that Thomas is madly in love with you and I think you may want to do something about that because you deserve so much better!"

Thomas' eyes get wide, "Give me that!"

Dylan jerks back, "Send!"

"Yes!" Ki pumps his fist.

"We're doing you and your girlfriend a favor!" Dylan says nodding, trying to LOOK poliete but Thomas can see the sarcasim behind his eyes.

Thomas points at him, "Someday, dude. Someday, I'm going to kill you."

"Mm-hmmmm." Dylan says giving Tom a belittling look.

Dylans phone chimes, "Oh, she messaged me back!"

Ki and Dylan look at the phone excitedly, "She says, 'You know he's going to kill you right? But, I mean, who isn't madly in love with me?' And then she put a little winky face! Isn't that cute!"

"See!" Thomas says pointing, "She knows!"

"Aw, Ki! Isn't this sweet! His girlfriend knows him so well!" Dylan and Ki make what Thomas supposes are supposed to be "heart melting" faces.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Thomas says defensively.

Ki snorts, "She's not your girlfriend YET."

"Face it, Thomas. We know you like her." Dylan says grinning at Thomas.

Thomas sighs, "I didn't say I didn't like her."

Dylan jumps up, "What is this? A confession!"

"I think it is!" Ki says looking at Dylan and Thomas with wide eyes.

Dylan starts looking around the studio actively.

"Dude. What are you bloody doing?" Thomas asks.

"I'm looking for Jesus! He must be here! I mean, this is a miricle!" Dylan says grinning as he looks behind the couch.

"Soooo, you like her!" Ki says wiggling his eyebrows at Thomas.

"Who does he like?" Thomas hears a feminine voice ring across the studio. Kaya

Thomas gives her a distrusting look. He didnt know what Kaya did to Iris but he didn't like it.

Dylan looks over at Kaya. Thomas had told both of them about the whole incident with Iris. Things had been awkward lately. No one liked whatever it was Kaya did.

Thomas thinks Dylan's going to say something smart like 'no one', but noooo, "Thomas likes Iris."

Thomas sends a death glare in Dylans direction but Dylan doesn't look at him.

Kayas face scrunches up, "Her?"

"Yup!" Ki adds looking over at Thomas.

"Thomas, why on earth would you like Iris?"

"Because she's kind and funny." Thomas says, anger poping up inside of him. What was Kayas problem? Why did she dislike Iris so much?

"And she's really pretty." Ki adds.

Kaya scoffs and is about to say something when Thomas cuts in, "I just like her okay? She's pretty and selfless and she wouldn't hurt anyone, not even someone who has wronged her."

Kaya rolls her eyes, "Thomas, you've known her for two weeks."

"It's enough." Thomas says.

Thomas gets up and storms out of the room.

- - - -

Your/ Iris POV:

You're making yourself lunch when he calls. And you can tell he isn't happy.

"Hello?" You say smiling into the phone.

"Hi, how are you?" Thomas answers quickly.

You pause, "I'm good."

"Good? That's good. Great."

You bite your lip, "How are you?"

"Me? I'm great. Bloody great."

"You sound kind of-"


"Yeah." You say nervously. Did you do something wrong?

"Ah, yes. Well, that's probably because I am."

You sit down on a stool, "So why are you angry?"

Your heartbeat increases. You've done something wrong. You just know you have and now he's going to be mad at you and he'll stop talking to you and he'll hate you forever.

"Kaya! She's just such a bloody bi- I mean, jerk! She's so full her self and she bloody thinks everything is about her. I swear if I were a girl I would buggin' slap her!"

"Whoa there tiger!" You say standing up, "What happened? Where are you?"

You can hear annoyance in his voice, "She didn't do anything in particular, she was just being her bloody self. And don't worry, I'm in the men's toilets so no one can hear me bloody ranting."

"Good. I'm sorry you're having a bad day...."

Thomas sighs, "It's fine, I just.... What did she do last week to make you so upset?"

You close your eyes and tilt your head back, "Nothing. It's been resolved. We may not still like each other or see eye to eye but it's all good."

You're not exactly lying.

The resolving was silent. You both seemed to resolve not to talk with each other or tryed not to make eye contact.

He is silent for a few seconds. Thinking to himself.

"It's all good?" He repeats.

You close your eyes and tell yourself it is all good. You and Kaya haven't spoken since. It'll be fine. It WILL be good.

You smile awkwardly into the phone, "It's all good."


So seriously guys. What do you think? Is it good?


What do you think? Any concerns? Any suspicions?



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