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The guys were over. You hadn't even invited them, they just showed up. I swear they're like they are in The Maze Runner books. Inseparable.

You were terrified they were going to tear you house down. But for now they were trying to see how many Reese's peanut butter cups they could throw into each others mouths without chewing and swallowing them.

They currently are throwing them into Dylan's mouth.

"FOUR! YES!" Thomas shouts.

Dylan gives a loud grunt of approval, seeing as he can't talk.

"I'm going to make it to five! I can feel I it!" Ki sings.

"Resist the urge to eat them Dylan! Come on man! I believe in you!"

Ki throws another.


"YEAH!" Thomas says pumping his fist.

Dylan yells. It kind of sounds like he said "bring it" but you're not sure.

"You guys are so weird." You say shaking your head and hiding a smile.

All three boys look at you.

"Excuse me miss, but this takes actual skill. You must throw it perfectly so it does not bounce off his teeth. It is much harder than it looks." Tom says nodding with dignity.

"Psh." You say rolling your eyes.

"Go ahead, You try then." Ki says holding a cup out to you.

You consider a second.

"Okay, I will." You say bravely.

The guys all share a look. Sarcastic would pretty much sum up the look.

You snatch up the peanut butter cup and take a breath.

You stare at Dylan's mouth for a few seconds and then you toss it.

It lands right in his mouth.

"WHAT!" You shout proudly.

Ki and Thomas, mouths drop open.

"What! Mr. It Takes Skill! You see that? That was awesome!"

Dylan grunts what youy suppose it meant to be a understandable sentence.

Ki looks over at him, "Yeah, go ahead Dylan."

He quickly chews and swallows then holds him hand up to you for a high five, "Atta girl! Show those boys! Who rukes the world? GIRLS."

You laugh at Dylan's sassy attitude as he prances around Thomas and Ki singing Beyonces song, you falling over with laughter. Finally, Thomas says, "Dude. I'm going to kick you I'm the balls."

Dylan clicks his tounge and says in a fake British accent, "That isn't very nice."

Thomas tackles him.

You watch as they try to pin each other down and take petty punches at each other.

"Okay, well, I'm going to go make dinner. You guys dot break anything."

"Yes, Mom!" Ki hollars before he gets punched in the stomache by Thomas.

"Don't talk to Mummy that way!" Thomas shouts.

Dylan hollars, "What are you making?"

"Chicken Alfredo. " You yell back.

"Yes!" Dylan says excited, "You're the best 'Mummy' in the world!"

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now